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It's tradition to throw a party on the first weekend of the school year. Darian and Gibbs established the tradition when we were sophomores, and Gwen and I somehow got sucked into it considering Gwen was the captain of the JV cheer squad and I was class president. Between the four of us, we just knew a lot of people, who also knew a lot of people. Plus, Gibbs' older brothers always came through when it came to getting alcohol.

Gibbs' family's lake house is a hidden gem for us. His parents aren't your typical hard handed, by-the-bible kind of Baptists, if they even consider themselves Baptists at all. They're hard workers that trust their children to make the right decisions, and with trust came the responsibility of hosting safe parties.

We're allowed to gather there and drink if everyone who did stayed the night. On top of that, Gibbs is, surprisingly, the second most responsible of our friend group.

We all consider the lake house a small miracle, really.

I walk side by side with Gwen into school, wondering what this year's bash would hold. Last year was the first time I had gotten really drunk, courtesy of Darian pressuring me to do a keg stand and ended up puking behind a tree. I made sure no one saw.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Gwen asks as she hugs her calculus book to her chest. "I was thinking either some black shorts with a tank or that burgundy dress..."

My mind is somewhere else as I spot Jamie getting off a bus. She was attempting to untangle her earbuds, and then trips after stepping on an untied shoelace. She looks up in frustration, then kneels to tie it.

She's cute when she was annoyed...

"Hello? Peyton?" Gwen snaps her fingers. "What the hell are you staring at?"

I shake my head. "N-Nothing I uh, I think you should wear the shorts and tank."

She pauses for a minute.

"I think I'm gonna wear the dress," she counters.

I narrow my eyes and give her a nervous look. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"


"Because the last time you wore a dress to a party, you flashed everyone when you fell off the back of the couch," I remind her.

"Now that was a sight," Darian's deep voice bellows as he swings both of his arms around our shoulders. "I vote for the dress."

"Get away you creep," Gwen teases as she shoves Darian.

I just smirk to myself.

"Yo, Gibbs!" Darian calls to our friend in the quad.

I look back to search for Jamie but can't find her. I wonder if she's heard of the party tonight, and whether it was my place to invite her. It is my job to be inclusive, and inviting the new girl would be a good political move... but how would I feel having her there?

That's when I crash into a body, and by the smell of coconut lotion and cinnamon gum, I already know who it is.

"Jesus Peyton, could you watch where you're going?" Jacki hisses.

"It was an accident," Gwen defends. "Chill out, Jacki."

Narrow brown eyes watch me as a manicured hand flicks a strand of tight, bouncy curls behind an exposed, light brown shoulder. Jacki radiates, but not in good taste. Her aura is something of angst and anger mixed together, which makes me stand on my toes. If it weren't for her crappy attitude and conniving ways, I would consider her one of the prettiest girls at this school. Maybe being raised by an extremely strict, overly critical, single mom did that to you.

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