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(Tina is recovering from her stroke in real life. She's getting better with her speech and ability to walk. I'll include that in this and the following chapters. Sorry for not including it in the previous chapters.)


I woke up before Lamelo and started to get ready for this girls' day out. I found a simple yet cute outfit. Still could've slayed lives in it tho. After my shower I did a double side part in my curly fro. I really hope today goes well.

As soon as I was leaving Melo woke up.

"Good morning Wife, fiance, woman of my dreams, milk to my cereal, kuzma to my lon--."

"How can you talk so much as you get up? Anyway good morning," I said cutting him off.

I literally met him like three days ago idk why he using all these words lmao.

"Have good day today with the fam, get to know them better," He stated.

"Sure thing, you want anything?" I asked opening the door.

"Food, food and food," Melo grinned.

"aight fat ass," I said closing the door.

I walked down to the lobby and met the girls there. The guards were there to accompany us and help Tina of course. It was amazing to see how she was recovering from her stroke. She can't walk and talk as normal, but she's getting there.

"Good morning everybody," I said with a smile.

They all replied and we made our way to the vehicle.

"I hope you guys are ready for this girls' day, we all need a break from the boys," Denise laughed.

"Yes right," Tina smiled.

"What are we doing first? Breakfast?" Izzy asked.

"That sounds good," I replied.

The driver took us to a restaurant near the beach for us to have breakfast. We ordered and our food came back quickly.

"You excited for baby Zoey?" I asked Denise.

"ofcouse! She's kicking and all that. We should've met earlier so you could've been to the shower," Denise frowned.

"Aww I missed it, i'll be there for your next one," I giggled.

"Let me have this one first," She laughed.

We all talked and got to know each other better. They loved me lmao.

"Do you like when Melo get on your nerves?" I asked laughing.

"Noooo," She grinned then replied back yes.

After we finished eating we went to get our nails done and did a little shopping. I bought some things for baby Zoey, even though she probably has things stacked up. We were supposed to meet the boys at the beach. They were jet skiing and other stuff. We went to the hotel to change into our swimsuits then met the boys.

Many people were staring at me while walking on the beach. I was on the thicker side of life, and walking with the girls made me stand out.

"Ayee u got my food?" I heard Melo shouted.

I pointed to his direction and we walked over there.

"Here you go Goldie," I laughed.

"Thanks baby," He rolled his eyes.

"And stop bullying me mane," Melo pouted.

"You bullying me with your damn names," I sighed.

"You like them though," He smirked.

"Whatever Golden retriever," I shrugged.

Tv show interview

"You got a girlfriend Melo?" The interviewer asked.

"I know you guys were going to ask," Melo laughed.

"Cut the camera, cut the camera nah I'm just playing."

"Answer us yes or no," The interviewer said.

"Mind yo business."

"Can I leave now?"

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