Thrown To The Dogs

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They took us to the very edge of town so we could see the lights of the buildings through the trees. Neither Margaret or the man, Jacques, seemed pressed to get this over and done with. They walked slowly, every once in a while making casual chit chat with each other, ignoring Abe and I despite the fact that they were walking us to our deaths. They may as well have been going for a casual stroll through the park. When there were only a few trees between us and the town road, Margaret let go of my arm and walked a few paces away.

She spoke quietly so as not to be heard by any passerby that may have been walking along the road, "I wish that it did not have to be this way, Abraham and...?"

"Alice, my name is Alice," I said. No point in hiding much anymore.

"Alice. Especially because of the baby. But you also must understand that we have no other choice," she said then to our astonishment, smacked the rock she had been holding roughly against her forehead. The orange lights of the town glistened off the blood as it began to slide down her face. Then she screamed; a truly ear shattering and terrified one that could surely be heard all the way across town at the pier. I watched her with horror as she began to run towards town screaming for help. Abe realized what she was doing before I did, he grabbed my hand and said "Run!"

We both took off in the other direction, going back towards the deep point of the forest. The forest floor near the town was smoother and nearly void of shrubbery, so there was nothing for us to trip on. But neither of us were very fast. My breathing was harsh from running despite the very short distance and from the sound of it, Abe's breathing was just as laboured. Something grasped my shoulder hard and pulled me back. The spy threw me onto the ground. He grasped my hair and yanked me backwards, dragging me along the ground by the hair. I screamed and writhed in the dirt of the forest floor. It felt like it lasted forever but it also happened in a blink of an eye, but I was pulled out of the forest onto the gravel road where a crowd was gathered.

"Help!" I screamed, the sound scratching my throat. But even with how loud I screamed, the sound was drowned out in the chaos of the crowd.

"The other one is still in there," Jacques grunted as he pushed me into the crowd. I could hear several people run into the forest the way we came. My head spun, I couldn't seem to get my vision in focus. I fell at the feet of someone who roughly lifted my face up so the crowd could see who I was. "My Lord! It is Elizabeth Warlest!"

"They are going to kill us! They are going to kill us!" I yelled hysterically as I grabbed onto someone trying to pull myself up. They took me by the wrists and threw me off him.

"Damn right they are after what you have done!"

I tried to focus. This is what Margaret wanted,to make me the villain. I have to make them understand what is happening. "No- no- they- Margaret is trying to frame us- they're spies!" I finally managed to make it to my feet. I tried to hear the crowd that was closing in around me over my beating heart. The crowd seemed to be split in two, surrounding me and something else which loud sobs were coming from. "We caught them together talking about it! Arrest them!"

The crowd quieted for a few moments, listening to anything I have to say. The sobbing a few feet away stopped, "Lies! Why attempt such callous actions? Cousin, I have done you no wrong yet fatal tribulations you have cast upon me. As children, forever did we promise to stand on each other's side but now I find us standing here across from one another seeing the hatred and jealousy prevalent in your eyes. Where did that child soul of yours wander off to as I see no innocent soul and friend any longer. For I believe she perished along with our childhood stories and games. Only heartless demons could as easily attempt to slit the throat of a dear friend as that of a mere pig. Why have you wrought such pain on me and our family and the kingdom in these days to come? If it were not you I would watch you swing from the gallows with no impression marking my soul. A crime this severe can not be negated. So I shall mourn in my heart and don my figure in black until grass has grown on your graves. I will blot away the tears that will mark my eyes for I will cherish the memory of the life of the girl I would see every summer. Who's memories of childhood echo mine, but I will not remember you as you are now. The one who's treachery was too much to forgive. But I will pity you but only I shall. For the public will forget you as will our family who will blot out your abashed name from all records until you are only a name on a grave. And once I shall pass, as we all do, not a soul on Earth will remember you. That will be your punishment, to be forgotten. And from this time henceforth your name shall never pass between my lips again.That shall be my-"

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