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The next week was rough for Theo. He missed a lot of school, and even if he did come in, it was only ever for a few lessons. I sent him a text each morning and another one just before I went to sleep. It could easily have been dismissed as a 'boyfriend thing', but I just needed to know he was okay. He still hadn't returned to work and whenever I saw him, he always looked either exhausted or on the verge of tears.

I left chocolate in his locker everyday and sent him cute animal photos I'd found online. Anything that would make him smile, even just for a moment. Though he'd slowly deteriorated, he was slowly rebuilding again. I could see that little flash of light escaping his eyes. He was coming around again. The whirlwind of emotions swirling around his head were coming to a halt. He was becoming a little more of himself every day.

And a week after our little sleepover at his house, I heard a knock on the door. I almost didn't bother getting up to answer it, assuming someone else would get to it first. But then I remembered it was Saturday. My sister was at a swimming lesson with my Dad and my Mum was at work. I was the only one home. It was probably just one of my friends, I concluded, as I descended the stairs. Probably holding a six pack of beer with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth, inviting me to a party tonight.

But the second I swung the door open, I was practically tackled to the ground, a pair of lips slamming into mine. My eyes flew wide open in surprise as Theo wrapped his arms around the nape of my neck, standing on the very tips of his toes to reach my lips. He pulled away, smiling softly. "Hey." He murmured.

I rose my brows, kicking the door shut absentmindedly, "Hi?"

"S-Sorry. Should I have c-called?"

I shook my head, "No, it's okay. Are you feeling alright?"

He nodded, "Yeah. B-Better."

I smiled happily, "Really?"

"Yeah. It's like a weight has j-just been lifted." He sighed deeply.

"I'm glad." I ruffled his hair playfully, grabbing the collar of his jumper to drag his body onto mine, kissing him hard. He hummed against my lips before leaning into me, continuing the frenzied kiss through a smile. We hadn't kissed like this in a while. Recently, the mood was too somber for something so desperate and energetic.

We headed upstairs, our hands linked as I smiled like an idiot. An idiot who'd just got his boyfriend back. I shut the door behind us once we'd reached my bedroom, pinning the blond boy against the wall as I kissed down his neck, earning sweet moans of approval.

He grabbed my shirt, pushing me back cautiously, his eyes hungry and certain, "Luca, I-I think...I want..." He was cut off by my lips. It wasn't my fault I couldn't keep my hands off him, he was too damn adorable.

"What do you want?" I whispered against his mouth.

"I-I want you." He panted. I froze, pulling back, creating a small distance between us. "All of you."

"Are you sure?"

He smiled, leaning forward to brush my tangled, black hair out of my hazel eyes, "I'm sure."

I didn't waste a moment before I hooked my arms under his thighs, lifting him up as he chuckled in my arms. I carried him over to the bed, throwing him down before I pulled his glasses off, discarding them on my nightstand. I then ripped off his jumper as he reached up to tug at my shirt. I helped him get it off, then tossed the fabric onto the floor.

His bandages were off. Now there were just darkened, thin lines on his arms. There were some scars I hadn't noticed before; white streaks, faded by time. I brushed my thumb across the scars, then leant down to kiss him softly. "You're so pretty." I whispered into his lips.

He blushed deeply, a smile spreading across his face as his fingertips traced my muscles, "So are you." He told me breathlessly.

I swooped down to peck him on the nose before leaning over and grabbing a bottle of lube from under my bed. "Have you used your present yet?" I teased.

He laughed lightly, "No." He replied plainly.

I didn't bother prying further. Though it would be a nice to fantasise about what Theo does when he's alone, I knew he was just too innocent. He was telling the truth; it probably hadn't even been opened.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked quietly, opening the bottle of lube.

He grabbed my wrist, "I-Is it gonna hurt?"

"Probably." I answered honestly. "But I'll go slow, and if you wanna stop, just tell me."

He nodded, and I cupped his warm face in my hands, leaning forward to rub my nose against his, whispering empty comforts until he was completely certain about what he wanted.

"Okay." He kissed me hard, "I'm ready."

The Dutch Boy [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now