Ch. 8 Revelation

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Rosabelle's POV

We were on our way to apparently a big mall in a neighboring town. Rebekah had said "Mystic Falls may be the center of supernatural, but it's sure as hell not the center of shopping and fashion." So with that, she has us traveling for over 40 minutes. This place better be good. 

"You know, I'm not too sure about how I feel with sharing my new best friend with my brothers, but I'm not loosing you already. I just better be your favorite Mikaelson." She said while lowering the music.

"What do you mean sharing me?"

"You courting my brothers of course." 

"I'm sorry what?! I'm not courting any of them! And plus I just met them yesterday, I've only talked to Elijah today, Kol at your house, and Niklaus at the Grill."

"Oh well they have this idea in their heads that you're theirs. Wait! I didn't tell you that okay? When they say something you act surprised. Got it?" This girl is crazy I swear. 

"What do you mean? I'm no one's. I'm my own person and everything. If I was even a possession, which I'm not mind you, I would be labeled as the Salvatore's Tribrid or something."

"Well not anymore. You're the Mikaelson's now." She said it so calmly.

"I am not a possession! And I'm sure as hell not one of people I don't even know. I like you and everything Rebekah, I do! You're my new best friend, but I'm not your brothers' plaything and you better get that into their heads or so help me I will do unimaginable things that will make even your brothers flinch!" I could feel the anger in my veins. My eyes were changing color and I could feel the car begin to heat up. The sky was getting darker and clouds condensed.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry. Breathe okay? What are you doing? Are you controlling the sky?" Her eyes widened in astonishment. Suddenly, my phone rang with a familiar ringtone. I picked it up quickly.

"What!" I yelled into the phone.

"Belle, are you okay? The sky." He said simply. He knew it was me.

"Peachy keen." I stated with anger. 

"Belle whenever you use a fruit, you're angry."

"I swear to the skies, shut up!"

"Fine, don't tell me what's wrong. Now, where are you? We've been looking for you all morning. I'll come get you."

"No. I'll be fine."

"Belle, I'm serious. Neither of us are happy that you left us. You come back right now or I will track you down. Are you with Elijah? Belle I told you not to associate yourself with him."

"Well lucky for you, I'm not with him. Right now anyway. Bye Stefan. You will see me when you see me."

"Rosabelle don't you dare ha-" I pressed the end button as I heard Stefan yelling on the other side of the phone.

"And that's all I need to hear right now." I said to Rebekah. She was laughing quietly.

"He doesn't sound too happy. Anyway, are you okay now?"

"Yea, sorry about that. I just got a little angry that people who I don't even know are trying to claim me as theirs."

"So you would be okay with it if you knew them?" She asked with a smirk.

"Oh shush and drive Bekah!"

We spent another twenty minutes in the car before we got to the mall. It was huge to say the least.

"Okay where to first?" I asked. 

"I know just the place!"

Rebekah brought us into this shop that looked kind of small and weird from the outside, bit once you walked in you felt like royalty. A nice, older lady was helping us pick out clothes while another lady, younger in her 30s, was bringing it in the back for me to change into. I was changing into a beautiful blue dress that Rebekah made me try on. That's when I heard Rebekah yelling.

"Would you all leave! She's fine! I wouldn't let anything happen to her."

"I'll check up on her if I want to Rebekah. I saw things I never wanted to see. She's in my protection and therefore I shall protect her." Elijah's voice broke the silence. 

"I'm here! She doesn't need you! And even if she did, why are they here? Especially you Finn. I thought you were still head over heels for Sage."

"Hey, I just wanted to get out of the house. Although with all this yelling maybe I should have stayed home."

"And why can't I come see my girl? Maybe she missed me." Kol's voice rang through. 

That's when I decided I've had enough. If I didn't go out there and stop this, there would probably be a blood bath and I wouldn't want to ruin any of the beautiful clothes here. I didn't even think to change when I left the changing room, forgetting I still had the dress on. 

"So there's a party and you didn't even invite me to it. I'm hurt." I said innocently to the Mikaelson siblings. Rebekah looked at me smug, while Kol, Klaus, and Elijah's eyes all widened once they looked at me. Finn just gave a little smile in my direction. What a lovely, loyal boyfriend. I don't know Sage, but she's lucky to have someone that loyal.

"It's nice to meet you Finn. I'm Belle." He gave a little laugh at my introduction. What?

"Oh don't worry. I know all about you." Okay then. That's when I felt two hands on my waist, turning me slightly.

"Sweetheart, you look magnificent." That british accent and those blue eyes are doing things to me. Awww he's so sweet. I could feel my cheeks heating up and out of instinct I tried to hide my face.

"Now Belle, what did we talk about with hiding you face?" Elijah's voice rang out again. 

These guys just keep making me blush. They need to be quiet before my face becomes an actual tomato, I swear! And just when I thought I was safe, Kol had to put his two cents in.

"Red and blue are a great color on you darling, but I think you would look better in nothing." That arrogant voice is doing things to me too. These men!

"Okay now that you have seen her and interrupted us, you can leave." Rebekah said.

"I think I would rather stay for a show." Kol voiced.

"Belle! Tell them to leave!" 

"Hey now Bekah, wouldn't you like to play model and go down a runway?" What is Klaus playing at?

"Yea, why don't you and Belle show us what your great fashion sense looks like sister?" Oh that's just manipulation by Kol right here. These guys are good. Rebekah was so falling for it. 

"Fine! Let's go Belle." Rebekah said while grabbing my arm and pulling me away. "They may be here to see you, but at least they will see you with my great style." She whispered angrily. With that I was wisked away behind the curtain with clothes thrown at me. 

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