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I was in a beautiful and unfamiliar place, but I felt as if I had been here before. I looked around at my surroundings, trying to find something familiar. All that I could see was a vast cover of trees. I stood on the bank of a stream as I looked ahead at the stretch of forest. The water in the stream formed ripples as a soft gust of wind blew around me. My hair blocked my view as it blew all over my face. I stood their motionless waiting for the wind to stop as I heard a soft crunch sound behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know If someone was there. As the wind stopped blowing my hair in my face, I felt someone hug me from behind. Whoever it was rested their chin on my head as we looked at the setting sun. We gazed at the breathtaking scenery in front of us. One could still smell the fresh and sweet fragrance of the wet leaves mixed with the smell of pine. The sky looked as if it was set 0n fire. Standing there I felt extremely safe and loved. I knew the person standing behind me was anything but dangerous. I felt a strange comforting feeling standing there. Watching the setting sun we stood there, surrounded by the sweet calm. The person behind me kissed my head and rested his chain again as he whispered in an unfamiliar voice......


I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was lying in my bed with my blanket tucked around me. The lights were switched off and the curtains were drawn. Someone must have come to check on me. I remember sleeping without turning the lights off. Grabbing my cellphone I checked the time, it was six in the morning. It was still early for me to wake up but I couldn't sleep after the strange dream I had. Pulling the blanket off of me I got out of my bed to freshen up. After brushing my teeth and taking a hot shower I opened my closet to find what to wear for the day, deciding on my white dress I brushed my hair and put on my sneakers to go with the dress. I packed my bag and ran downstairs. Since mom had just started preparing breakfast and it was still one hour until school started I took some of my favourite energy bars. Kissing mom goodbye I ran out of the door. After deciding to walk to school I plugged in my earphones, I munched happily on the energy bar.

Since school had not started yet I went to the library. A few students were already there, immersed in the heavy books in front of them. I went straight for the fiction section and searched for my favourite book. I pulled out an old and tattered version of pride and prejudice and opened the page where I had left it off. I had already read it a countless times, but still read it with same excitement when I first read it. Grabbing a seat in the farthest and loneliest corner I continued from the place where I had left. Elizabeth was an ideal heroine for me, I wanted to be like her. To have the courage and intelligence to face people and talk back to them. Sometimes I felt that I could be like her, I was like her once. I was brave and wasn't scared of anything, but the incident last year had changed me. Due to the re-modification of my memories I didn't know the reason. I was still scared of something due to which I had this huge change in my personality. Everyone around me was always being careful to not ask too much and pry more than necessary in my business. Some of them had even started avoiding me after the accident. Many people that I remembered before the accident no longer liked talking to me or averted gazes as if I would harm them. Since the accident I had only a few friends left. Laura, Justin, Seth and Chance were the only friends left who cared enough for me to not leave.

Laura was the only girl friend that I had left. Although everyone around me was careful, she was the only person who made me feel normal. We had been friends since high school first year. We had  met through a common friend, Susan. Susan was Laura's distant cousin and my best friend. But she was no longer in contact with both of us. Apparently Susan was involved in the incident last year. The only available information that I had about last year was that I had a boyfriend named Seth, we were in a long term relationship but I found him cheating on me with a friend. I had gotten into an accident leading to my trauma. The doctors decided on erasing my memory since it was damaging my health physically and mentally. Susan had shifted to somewhere else and was no longer in contact. But the story was poorly patched up, it had too many loopholes in it. I had tried asking Austen about what actually happened many times. But all he ever treated me was with silence. It was too unbelievable to be true. I had stopped pestering others about last year's incident. Now I no longer cared. In two months time I'd eventually forget about the accident itself happening. Since it was of no use I tried to get back to normal as soon as possible.

          But the few people who had not left me through my therapy were my family and these small number of friends. They had me supported me and never left me for which I was really grateful. Laura was the biggest support after my family. She never let me feel weird about myself and tried to bring as much normalcy to my life as possible. Thinking about Laura I remembered that I had to congratulate her. It had been two years now since she and Justin started dating. She had been going on and on about it. For the past few weeks she had kept ringing me to ask what kind of a gift would Justin like. With great difficulty we settled on her giving him a watch. She wanted to give him something which would make him remember her everyday even if they were far. Since we both don't know much about what kind of things guys like we agreed with the idea of gifting him a watch. She was really excited about finally giving it to him.

      The bell rang for the first class alerting everyone to hurry up. I placed the book back in its place and hurried for my class. For the first period I had math. I really wasn't excited for this particular subject, to top it I had forgotten to finish my assignment. Mr. Cavern wasn't really a big fan of me, he'll definitely give me a earful for not completing my homework.


It was definitely going to be a long day.

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