Chapter 26

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I was somewhat relieved to say hat the next entire month went without any major happenings. It gave all of us time to heal - me, Terrence, Allie and Aaron.

Aaron woke up after a week of unconsciousness, and though Allie never left his side when he was asleep, she refused to say a word to him when he was awake.

"It's always two steps forward and four steps back for us. I don't know why she's doing this to me - does she think I would blame her for the accident? Frankly, I am happy that it was me who was seriously hurt. I am a strong man, Lisa - and Allie, no matter how strong she shows herself to be, wouldn't have been able to make out of it. Do anything, Lisa, I want to talk to her anyhow."

These were Aaron's words during one of my visits where I failed to drag my best friend with me.

Since the twins' birthday was around the weekend, I planned to get them to work together so that spending some time alone would make Allie talk to him. She wasn't talking to anyone, actually - not even me. And her parents had taken it up in themselves to get to know their daughter better.

I could understand that they were making up for their lost time, but I missed. Especially when the times got hard and nightmares bothered me and Terrence both. Raine and Ryan could distract us only so much.

Terrence still blamed himself - many a times I could see him zoning out when he caught a glimpse of my scar. A few minutes with him, and some snuggling and cuddling reminded us that we still had each other, and I was reminded again and again why I loved him so much.

The relationship between me and Terrence's father was still strained. I had forgiven him, but it didn't mean that I wanted to keep an amiable bond with him. I knew for once that I might have forgiven but I hadn't forgotten. One wrong decision, and my absence on the right place could have cost my twins' life and that was something I am found difficult to let go.

About Aaron, he was discharged from the hospital quite soon. The entire time, Aria, and Allie's parents coddled him. They were surprised to know that the man her daughter loved was the one her grandfather trusted the most. The story behind it was still not known - that was something only between Aaron and Grandpa Charlie.

Another thing, the twins were becoming a pain in the ass. Now that they started walking and running, they made the entire house a mess and found out places that even Terrence didn't know about his own house. We started having more meet ups with our friends so that the kids could spend more time with each other. The walks to the park earned the twins many new friends, because of their antics.

They fought too. Scratching each other when annoyed, pulling each other's hair. The walls were worse now, but somewhere inside I deeply loved the artwork they left on the walls. I knew that I wouldn't be painting a single wall in the house that had their scribbles.

Not so surprisingly, Vincent handed me and Terrence the legal custody of the twins. Their birth certificates still had Larissa and Vincent's name, but that was it.

Larissa was given a proper burial. Though the fact that she had commuted something like giving up her own life hadn't sunk in, and I felt a tinge of sadness every time I wondered that if Larissa had been a better woman, I could've had someone to call a sister.

Allie had been doing the job pretty well.

Then the tenth of April came, and finally it was time for certain someones' birthday.

That night, I'd woken up around three am. Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I sneaked out of the house and went right to the spot that held too many memories now. That dumpster was nowhere to be seen, and that area was forbidden to go to, now. But I still stood there, remembering how different my life had been before them and how better it was now.

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