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I can't do it.

Call me a coward but I couldn't physically move any of my limbs, it was as if they have a mind of their own.

For fifteen long minutes, I had been sitting on a toilet bowl with the lid down inside this cramped cubicle to the point where I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

To think I'd have gotten used to it all by now after having changed schools multiple times a year.

Yet, the overwhelming feeling of fear and loneliness from being in a foreign environment never failed to knock me off my axises.

Life was really unfair, god it was so so unfair.

This was all too much for a seventeen year old teenager, especially one who had no friends, who had an image to uphold, whose parents were always busy and-

As abruptly as these thoughts came flooding in, it suddenly stopped. I was being ridiculous and immature.

Get a grip on yourself Lia.

I shut my eyes and for a moment, I found peace. I saw my parents kissing me goodnight on the forehead after every single day of hard work, how they always made sure we had breakfast together every morning since it was the only meal we shared as a family.

Thinking about those times made me feel loved and not entirely alone. It also made me realised how selfish I was, this was not me. I was not born to be a quitter, I was raised better than that.

After much reassurance, I felt ready to head back outside when two girls entered the bathroom.

Guess I'll have to wait for a while then.

I sat back down and tucked my feet up such that they were not visible from underneath the stall door.

"Did you see how Jordan Chandler broke Sophia Mckenzie's poor little heart just now and threw the shattered pieces around like confetti?" A high pitched voice squeaked.

"Wouldn't have missed it, the girl's a crying mess." Another voice piped, followed by the sound of tap water gushing out.

"He's such a heartbreaker." The first girl said with an exasperated sigh.

"It comes with being hot as the cheese pizza that came right out of the oven."

"It isn't even lunch yet."

"I know, but a girl needs to eat. Gosh, I bet Jordan Chandler would make one hell of a smothering hot cheese pizza. I could already feel the burn as the melted-"

The door slammed shut with a resonating bang, effectively cutting short the weird and unforgettable bathroom conversation I had just heard.

"It's nice of you to finally join us 27 minutes into my class, Miss Harrington." My literature teacher sneered whilst tapping against the antique watch strapped around his wrist.

"I am so sorry sir, I was lost and-"

"No excuses young lady! I will not tolerate any tardiness in my class do you understand?" The fifty year old huffed in a grumpy tone, staring me down.

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