Chapter 6

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Cassie's POV

The house is much nicer on the inside and has obviously been taken over by men. Probably the two in front of me. We all go to the living room and sit down on the leather couches.

"I'm sorry Cassie. I have been awfully rude. Please tell me-us- a little more about yourself." My grandfather says, speaking to me for the first time. Not that I hold it against him; he's only just seen his daughter for the first time in 18 years.

"There is nothing interesting about me. I'm our packs strongest warrior, I like to run, and I've been asked to teach the Warriors of multiple packs including the one we're staying at while on our visit." I state simply. There truly isn't much to tell about myself. I spend all of my time training defend and my guard is rarely ever down. Even now, I stand with my arms crossed and my feet placed shoulder length apart.

"Always on guard" I hear my mother mutter. "She also loves to read and will spend many hours down by the pond near our house, reading and soaking in the sunshine. She's brilliant at art and, though she'll never admit it, she loves children."

"I have no quarrels with admitting my love for children, it's just dangerous to admit to enjoying the presence of something so defenseless. Especially when you have enemies and no way of defending them." I say looking at my mother.

"You have no enemies who would dare go against you, much less attack the children you often take care of." My mother says with a roll of her eyes.

"So you often take children under your wing?" Andrew asks with a hint of amazement in his eyes.

"Yes. I'm very much like my mother in that aspect." I say, feeling my lip twitch in a momentary, millimeter smirk.

We spend the next three hours talking and order Chinese for lunch because we were all to involved to cook and the boys wouldn't let mom cook. It got to the point where we were laughing do much I had to sit down. I was still on guard but I was able to relax a little. And then, at about 12, we had a visitor arrive. Andrew got up to get and came back with an older looking man. He looked very similar to Alpha Cole and I can only imagine they're related in some way.

"Alpha Jason?"  My mom says and stands up.

"Ari Mora. The last time I saw you, you were getting ready to leave for your big future. What are you doing round these parts?" Jason says with a cheese eating grin.

"Circumstances have changed. I'm back for a couple of weeks to reconnect with my family. My mother left." She says hugging the older man who is her older alpha.

"So did you accept the Luna's offer for a new mate?"  He asks, looking down at her from the hug. His face only shows concern and I suppose at his age he doesn't have anything to worry about.

"No. I ended up with a piece of him and I never would have been able to move on. Not that I really want to." Mom says coming over to me with a smile on her face. This is the first time the older man looks at me and a look of shock comes across his face. He stares into my eyes for a moment and I see his gloss over.

"I get not being able to move on. Who's this?" He says, though I feel like he knows the answer.

"Jason. Meet your granddaughter Cassie Mora." Mom says with sadness and joy in her eyes. It's an odd combination and one that makes want to hug her but I know she would prefer I didn't in this moment.

"Granddaughter?" I hear my uncle and grandfather ask at the same time.

"You didn't tell them?" Jason asks looking at my mom in confusion.

"I didn't want them to hate their alpha for a decision he made when he was a teenager." Mom says with a shrug.

"It was a decision that ruined my baby girl life." Marcus says, angrily.

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