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'You have arrived at your destination' appears on the screen despite being in the middle of the street with no house. I hope it's a misunderstanding, and that I'm not on a wild goose chase.

I park beside the curb and open my email to double-check the address with my location. It's correct, but the house is still missing. Tall shrubs line the street, allowing trickles of sunlight to seep through.

"And there goes my good luck," I grumble.

I turn the car off and climb out. Flourishing green ivy coats a fence and to the left a metal speaker catches the glint of the late morning sun.

"Damn, that's sneaky!"

I race towards the speaker and take a deep breath. I press the button.

"Hello, I'm Tikera Copeland, and I'm here for the gardening interview."

If I'm hired, I'm chopping the ivy back so people don't get lost.

"Hi Tikera! The gate will open and I'll meet you out front."

"Okay, thank you." I smile.

The gate rattles and swing inwards. I slip through the gap and jolt. Ending up in an unmarked grave doesn't sound too crazy right about now.

The house is a single storey located to the right, leaving a vast amount of space to the left. There's no garden unless you count the weeds growing in the yellow sand or the potted plants scattered along the grey fence.

A man with colourful tattoos rests beside a black Jeep parked in the driveway.

"Don't be scared, the job is simple." The tanned skin around his brown eyes creases as he smiles.

"Oh okay." I bite my lip.

"I'm Austin." He steps away from the car and offers me his hand. The tattoos are mermaids, random objects, and hearts, which makes him less intimidating.

Austin squeezes my hand and my smile tightens.

"Are you sure you need a gardener? There's nothing here."

"We're looking for someone to landscape and maintain the garden. You'll have a week to design the area and have the plants put in."

"A week?" I gasp. "How am I supposed to get that done in a week?"

"For thirty dollars an hour, I'm sure you'll find a way." He chuckles.

My eyes widen. "Thirty an hour?"

"Yes, you heard right."

"Sure, I can do this! What are the requirements?"

"Rich scented plants, like lavender, an herb garden and a water feature."

"Are you a fan of lavender?"

"The boss loves it." Austin chuckles.

"Oh! Is there a specific colour?"

"There was no specification, but I would suggest mixed for depth."

"That sounds like a good idea." I nod.

"If you want the job, you can start now."

"That's it? No questions about experience or a check-up with my references?"

"Should I ask about your experience?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Er, no, because hey, do I look like a gardener?" I shake my head. "I'd love the job! Can I have a pen and some paper to draw designs?"

"Yes, of course." He smiles.

"Thank you!" I grin.

"Stay put while I grab the supplies. Once I'm back, I'll show you around the yard."

"Sounds good." I nod.

Austin walks into the house and minutes later, appears with a clipboard. He passes it to me and continues walking. I place the clipboard under my arm and jog after him.

"There is no budget, so please indulge in quality plants and products. You could have an area for the boss to retreat as his job is stressful."

We stand in the middle of the sandy pathway that stretches along the length of the house and around the corner which creates an L shape. Around the back is dead plants and a clothesline which has seen better days.

"Is there more around the side of the house?"

"You don't need to worry about that area because it will be paved for the clothesline."

"Fair enough."

Removing the dead plants will set me back, but for thirty an hour, I'll work something out because there's no way I'm passing that up.

"Do you have any ideas for the garden?"

"No, but once I start shopping, I'm sure it'll inspire me."

I wander to the driveway and take a seat. The neighbouring trees provide enough shade to soothe the burning sensation on my skin. Austin rests against the house and watches, so I tug on a smile and wave.

It shouldn't be too hard to create a design because amateurs have renovated whole houses and I just have to put plants into the ground. For some reason, that doesn't completely comfort me.

I sketch the backyard and fill the space in with ideas like a pond, decking and a secret hideaway with an outdoor bed that's hidden by foliage.

The decking idea isn't practical because of the timeframe, and the secret hideaway is promising, but the pond? I hope there's someone who can install it or I can find a good DIY YouTube video.

"What do you think about an outdoor bed and a pond feature?"

Austin tilts his head to the side and ponders.

"Running water is supposed to be relaxing."

"Sounds like a good idea." He nods. "The boss likes koi fish."

"That's good to know." I scribble that onto the page. "Anything else I should know?"

"He hates roses."

"But they're beautiful."

"Do you want to maintain a rosebush with thorns?"

"Fair point." I nod.

Once I have an idea, I search for nurseries and pick the nearest establishment which sells in bulk.

"Can I go to the shops now?"

"Already? Sure."

"I need to see the plants for some visual inspiration."

"Alright. I'll drive, so hop in." He nods to the Jeep.

"Um." My stomach knots. "Sure."

"Don't worry, my driving is good."

It's not his driving I'm worried about.

We climb into the car and strap in.

"Do you know where we're going?"

"I've got a rough idea." I chuckle.

Even though I'm not gardening in the nude, sitting in a stranger's car isn't safe either. But money is money, and I'm in need of it.

* * * * *

Would you take a gardening job?

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