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Alice walked through her hometown, Beacon Hill. The town was old, buildings were run down with the moist from the rain. Horse and carriages trotted by, as the night was busy with life. Alice held no emotion, her mind shattered into millions of pieces, her heart ached with the pain. Her dress was torn, her blonde hair covered in muck, and dirt. She had just witnessed the death of her parents, and her eight year old sister. Her sister was the first to go, red eyes were only she could see as the monster clawed the hell out of her, killing her instantly.

She didn't look back, she knew she had to survive. The full moon was high in the clear night sky, wolves howled in the distance, and she knew it wasn't the wolves that all mortals think, but too her it was a werewolf. She replayed the scene in her head, over and over again. Just piercing red eyes, staring right at her, after it killed her sister. She was still known to the supernatural world, only learning about her species, and a few others. Including the werewolves. Alice knew that what had attacked her house, she knew that her parents tried to fight it off, but was no match, even with a full moon channelling their magic, it still wasn't enough.

Alice stops in her track, and here's a bang down an alleyway, she peers around the corner to see the dark way light by a hanging lamp, a candle burning inside. Her mind told her not to go down there, but her body to her otherwise. Before she knew what she was doing, she was walking down the dark path. She looked weary around her surroundings, ready to cast a spell if needed. Further down the way, she heard a noise behind her and quickly spun on her heels to face the noise, but nothing was there. She spun back around as her witchy senses were standing on edge, quickly as she spun, she saw a young woman with brown hair, her eyes gentle with her gaze. She was dressed posh to the max.

"I didn't mean to fright you." The unknown woman states to Alice, as she backs up slightly.

"Oh...It-it's alright." Alice states with a stutter, still shaken up from before the meet. The woman just stares at Alice like she was searching her soul. "I better be off." Alice replied after a few moments of staring at one another. As Alice was turning, the woman gripped her hand tightly, and it was tight. Her strength was of a man, so to speak.

"You have gone through pain?" The woman declares as a question, but it sounded more like she knew that Alice had. Alice looked at her weary not knowing that she could trust her, but yet again no one in the street had even stopped and asked if she was ok. They just blanked her, and thought that she was a whore.

"I...I've lost my family, Milady." Alice states softly as the words rolled off her tongue for the first time. She realises that her parents are dead. The woman's gaze softened, like she had been through the loss of her family as well.

"It will be alright. A gift I will place upon you." She states with a smile on her face, before Alice's vision went dark as the woman had knocked her out, with the back of her hand.

As Alice laid on the cold stone floor, the woman lent down to her knees, taking off her gloved her, and bit her palm. Blood came rushing to the surface, and trickle down her palm, she moved to Alice, and leaned her hand down to her mouth, making the blood droplets into her mouth, and into her system. The woman's wound heals quickly, as she places the glove back on.

Alice began to stir awake a few seconds later, the blood working it's magic. But before Alice could regain full consciousness, the woman placed her hands on her chin, and twisted her hands around, snapping Alice's neck. The bones snapped easily with the woman's strength, the bone snapped like a twig being stepped on.


Alice wakes up abruptly, her head spinning like mad. She appears to be in a comfy bed, in a posh house. She looks around to see no one in sight, before standing on her feet, and making her way down the wooden staircase. She carefully steps through the hallway, to see the elegant woman holding a man in her hands. As Alice took a few steps closer, the woman turned around, and Alice's jaw dropped. The woman's mouth covered in blood, as it dripped down her face. Under her eyes, blood flowed through them forcefully, her eyes turning red. She smiled at Alice, and her carnies teeth were pointy, and sharp.

Alice's eyes widened with fear, but something in her mind told her not to be scared. As she thought about magic, her mind switched from that to see the blood dripping from the neck of the man. It was like a trance that Alice found herself in. She could feel her own eyes pumping blood through them, as she crept nearer to the woman, and the man. All she could think about was the blood, how it looked, and how it would taste in her own mouth.

Alice came close, the woman holding the man tightly, bending his bitten neck to the side, to show her the blood rushing out of the wound. Before Alice knew what she was doing, she plunged her mouth around the bite mark, and started to suck the blood from the man. The taste of blood in Alice's mouth tasted like metallic for a few seconds, before she felt the surge of power flowing down her throat, and like a million stars had gone off in her brain.

Without even knowing, the woman had let go of the man, and Alice was now holding him tightly and kept drinking his blood, until he was dead. She let the lifeless body drop to the ground, her mouth covered in blood, her eyes returning back to normal, like her teeth. She looked at the woman who stood on the sideline, holding a smirk on her face.

"Welcome to the party." She said smugly, as Alice watched in horror that she just killed a man, her bloody hand covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh, my God. I just killed someone." Alice states, full of shock. But then turned to see the woman with a blank expression on her face. Alice's features became twisted as she became angry at the woman. "Do you know what you have just taken away from me!?" Alice yells at the woman, who was slightly taken back by her tone.

"I just gave another chance of life. You are a vampire honey. You are faster, stronger, sexy." Alice had heard the word vampire before, but didn't know where. She took a moment to process what she had just said, but when she looked back up she was gone. However, it was still dark out. Then she remembered her family, she ran like crazy out of the house and back to her home.

A while later, she found herself at the door of her home, she quickly pushed it open, and entered. The sight she saw was horrifying, her parents dead on the floor, her sister mangled to death, blood spread out over their body, and upon the walls. Claw marks etched into their chest, and arms. Clothes ripped and covered in blood. Alice took closer steps to her parents and sister, tears flowing freely down her face. She let out an agonising scream, as she dropped to her knees, hitting the floor. She cradled her dead sister in her arms, as she swayed back and forth, tears still flowing. She was only young, she shouldn't deserve this, she was taken away too early.

The house was dark, the fireplace wasn't light, but the candles that surrounded her were. She let out another painful cry, but the fireplace ignited by itself. She didn't care that it did, but it was odd to do so, but her mind was elsewhere.

But in time she would learn to handle her temptation to blood. Now with her family dead, and she immortal. There was no one left to carry out the witchcraft that her mother had planned to pass down to her and her sister. The family grimoire, and other books she took with her, it was the only piece of her family she had left, and she couldn't afford to lose that part of her...

Maybe one day she will get revenge for the monsters that did that to her parents and her sister. But she still believed that they were people before they were monsters, and that would never change. But trusting them will be harder for her...



A small intro to how Alice had turned into a vampire. Who do you think turned her? Leave the comments down below.


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