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I heard a little creak and knew we were out off the house through the front door.

He kept running and screamed something but I didn't understand what because my ears didn't work properly anymore.

Soon the feeling of his arms under my legs and my back disappeared and I was surrounded by nothing.

No feeling, neither seeing or hearing. Only me.

Then I fainted completely.


Xavier's POV:

Proud I looked at the mark on the neck of my little mate.

I could already see faint lines forming to a sign which would identify her and me.

Yes she was going to mark me too if she wants. Nothing would make me as happy as wearing her mark on my neck.

I looked up to her to see her smiling at me. First I smiled back but slowly worry started to form within' me as I looked into her eyes.

The normal pretty light blue was mixed up with red, yellow and green. It looked a little scary to be honest.

As I asked if everything was ok she didn't answer me even as she tried she couldn't and I began to worry even more.

Did I do something wrong? What if she dies now because of me!

Shit I can't let that happen!

As Keva began to close her eyes I picked her up and went as fast as possible out of the door and towards the doctor.

Luckily I put on sweatpants before marking my little angel.

As I felt her body getting limp and her heart race getting slower I panicked.

Please moon Goddess don't let her die! She's my everything and I need her.

I want her to be the last thing I see when I go to sleep and the first in the morning when I open my eyes.

I wanna have silly conversations and serious ones with her, I wanna laugh when she laughs and cry when she cries.

If she would need a new heart I'd give mine instantly just so she could live.

I wanna grow old with her. Please don't let my everything die!

Some tears escaped my eyes and the salty consistence dropped onto Keva's cold cheeks.

I prayed that it wasn't too late as we finally reached the packs doctor.

I knocked on the door like a madman and got greeted with the sight of a sleepy middle-aged man aka our pack doctor.

"Doctor she's almost dead!" I cried out and showed him the little body in my arms.

The sleepy doctor was suddenly fully awake and shoved me with Keva in my arms into his house.

"Alpha this way!" He said and jogged to the hospital section attached to his house.

I laid Keva onto one of the many beds and the doctor examined her quickly.

Then he noticed the mark...

"Did she got unconscious after you marked her Alpha?" He asked me and I nodded desperately.

"Ok that could be a little hard now." He mumbled and left the room and my confused but also worried self in it. What was he talking about?

I began walking up and down nervous and frustrated that I was the one who caused this. If I hadn't marked her all this wouldn't have happened.

To calm myself down I sat on the bed right next to Keva's body and took her hand rubbing my cheek against it.

"I'm truly sorry Keva. I di--" Some sobs escaped me. "I didn't want that. I'm so sorry." My voice croaked and I broke down completely.

While trying to stop crying I hugged her hand and kissed it multiple times.

"Please my goddess wake up so I can look into your beautiful eyes and tell you how much I love you." I whispered while closing my eyes trying to imagine what hers look like.

The doctor came into the room again with a notepad.

"Ok Alpha I have the solution to the problem Keva has here. As you marked her she was too tired and nervous at the same time so the marking process left her with no energy afterwards and her body tries to get this energy back now."

He paused a little looking worried at me.

"It will take a while til she wakes up again because your mate still weighs too less a--" I interrupted him instantly.

"How long will it take doctor? Is she sick now? Can we do something against her unconscious?"

One more bad news and I would break down completely. Why didn't I think about that earlier? Why didn't I think about if she was tired or hungry o-- "I'm sorry we can't really help her. I will put a needle and some injection into her so she won't suffer from not eating food or not getting enough liquid but there isn't more we can do for her."

I nodded sighing in defeat.

"When will she most likely wake up?" Let's hope soon.

"It can be in two days but also in two weeks that's her decision."

Two weeks without my angels voice?! Oh I'm screwed.

"You should probably go home to ge--" Interrupting him again I began to protest firmly.

"I'm staying right here with my angel and nothing will get me away from her." The doctor nodded sighing and pointed onto a bed.

"We can get this right next to your mate so you can sleep comfortably and be near her Alpha."

I nodded and together we pushed the bed next to Keva's.
Then the doctor gave her an injection and left to go back to bed again and I was left alone with my thoughts.

"Keva I'm sorry to put you through that. I idiot should have waited longer." I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers just to see how cold they were.

Then I noticed the blanket she laid on.

Sighing I picked her up, put the blankets back, laid her onto the bed and covered her with them.

Then I slipped under her blanket and put mine over us as well so she wouldn't be cold anymore. I pressed her lightly against my chest so I wouldn't hurt my little angel and placed a kiss onto her temple.

"Good night my saving soul." I whispered into her ear and fell asleep hoping she would respond me but of course she couldn't.

I hate myself for causing this trouble for her.

~What was your most present emotion during reading this chapter?~

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