Chapter 10

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Sinister's POV (daddy)

"I'm going to fucking slit your throat." The words flew out of my mouth so easily, almost as if I was saying hello, or good morning.

The mans eyes watered over, his entire body shook with the realization.

I was currently having a "friendly" interaction with an American scum bag, a man who was apart of the mob that took Calla.

I had never felt this kind of rage before. When I had to leave Calla, I only felt pain and sorrow. When she was gone, I only felt searing deprivation. But now...I only felt the rush of rage, and the drowning waters of rage.

The man who I currently had strapped down, was pathetic.

When I recieved word from Afanas that Calla had broken Omertà and left, I flew to Miami to see her, only to find out that she and Sebastian had been taken.

The town that we had last traced them to was run by American organized crime. The filth and scum of Americans reeked as my mob raided the town.

We had found nothing. Only a few men with the markings of the American Mafia...

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" I roared my voice screamed a thousand murders.

The man let out a pathetic sob, his swollen eyes leaked tears as he began to pray.

I let out a humorless laugh, "Not even God can save you now."

I found it almost funny, how men, even in the face of death, will pray for God to save them. It was humorous, God does not save men like me. God does not save men like him.

"Where the fuck is my wife?" My voice shook with the rage of loss.

When you lose someone, you try to remember the last time you saw them. And most of the time it's a blurry memory, because at that time, you had no idea it would be the last.

I thought I'd see her again, even if it was in a simple passing. I thought I'd see my beautiful flower again. I left to keep her safe. And now all all I have is hope. Hope is the most important thing in the world. I believe that now more than ever. Hope is what saved my life. Hope gave me the strength to save Callas life.'s that unshakable golden belief that things will get better. The hope of being with my flower, is the thing that pushes me every day to save her.

I let her go, because I knew she deserved better. I knew she needed the life she always deserved. And now that she's gone...I wonder if I should have just been better.

"P-please...Mr. V-Velkov, I have children..."

My attention was forced back to the pathetic man sobbing in front of me. I will torture him in every merciless way possible, I will make his eyes bleed from his tears of desperation, I will rip him limb from limb.

The Devil himself would burn hell to the ground.

I will find Calla, and bring her back to me.

Calla's POV:

"You look like a fucking Walrus."

The woman doing my makeup ignored me. I'd punch her if my arms weren't restrained behind my back. I kept biting her, so these fuckers tied me down. Two men were standing guard behind me, making sure I didn't attempt another homicide.

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