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I stifle a scream at the loud sound of glass shattering downstairs.

"What was that?!" I ask panicked as Natalie shushes me and motions for me to get behind her as we inch closer to the bedroom door. Creaking the door open a crack we can hear the sound of footsteps downstairs as well as the opening and closing of various doors.

"Natalie?" A male voice calls out from downstairs. We dont answer and Natalie quickly closes the door again as she hears someone coming up the stairs.

"Hide quickly!" She tells me in a hushed voice as we both scatter to find hiding spots. I take refuge under the bed while Natalie hides in her closet and not a moment too soon as we hear the bedroom door slide open.

"Natalie? Are you here?" The male voice asks calmly. From my hiding spot I can see their shoes walk across the carpeted floor. Their heavy footsteps are the only sound in the room as he stalks around before eventually stopping in front of the closet.

"Oh no." I think to myself as the closet doors are yanked open and Natalie screams.

"Why are you screaming?" The voice asks and there is a moment of silence before I hear Natalie breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god." She sighs. "Its just you. What are you doing here?" Natalie asks.

"I saw your window was broken and wanted to make sure everything was alright. Are you alone right now?" The voice asks and there is a moment of silence and just when I am about to crawl out from my hiding spot Natalie says:

"Yes, I'm alone."

"Where are your parents?"

"They are out of town at the moment."

Another long silence.

"Are you sure you are alone?" The voice asks skeptically. The voice itself sounds familiar but he is speaking in a manner that feels somehow off.

"Why would I lie to you?" Natalie asks.

"I dont know why, but I wouldnt put it past you. You lie alot."

"That's mean-"

"Are you keeping secrets from me Natalie? Is there something I should know?"

Yet another long silence.

"Nothing at all." Natalie says calmly.
"Ok then. Let's go downstairs then and I will help you clean up the glass."
I watch their feet as they walk across the floor and exit the bedroom closing the door behind them. I quickly crawl out from under the bed and scratch my head in confusion.
'Who was that? Why didn't Natalie tell him I was here?' I think to myself. My thoughts are however short lived at the sound of something banging downstairs followed by yelling. I quickly open the bedroom door and scamper down the stairs where from the landing I can see into the living room where Natalie is struggling to fight off a man as he attacks her. She scratches at his face and he punches her in the jaw while his left hand digs into her arm. I immediately grab the closest thing, a candlestick from the dining room table, and run at the man. I come up to him from behind and whack him in the back of the head. He immediately let's go of Natalie and slumps forward motionless onto the floor. Natalie groans in pain as she runs to me and slumps into my arms in an awkward hug.
"Are you okay?!" I ask and she gulps hard before nodding slowly.
"I wasn't ready." She gasps out. "He surprised me. I didn't know he would..."
I steady her in my arms as I look over her shoulder at the man on the floor and stifle a gasp. It's the last person I expected to see. (An: but let's face it, a lot of people reading this already knew.) It's Philip.
"Why?" I ask more to myself than to anyone else as Natalie stands herself up .
"I can't believe this." She chokes out as tears threaten to spill from her watering eyes. "It was him the whole time? He killed Danny?!"
For a moment I am overcome with anger and kick Philip hard in the side but he remains silent and motionless.
"Don't hurt him, Y/n!" Natalie's says stopping me from kicking him again.
"Why?! He killed Danny! He ruined my life!"
"He might still have Jessica."
I stop at the thought and quickly cool my head.
"I'm calling the cops." Natalie says as she grabs the home phone and dials 911. While she talks to the operator I stare blankly at Philip and think of all the times we spent together: the days he spent at my house comforting me after the disappearance of my sister or the loss of Danny while the whole time he was behind everything.
"The police are on their way. They will be here in fifteen minutes." Natalie says.
"I can't wait that long." I mumble. "I need to go find Jessica now."
Natalie looks at me with pity before she sighs and walks over to Philip limp body. She rummages around in his jeans pockets before pulling out his house keys.
"His house is only a few blocks away. Let's go."

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