Chapter 60

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Ash's P.O.V:
"Since when do you show up at my school, dad?"

"Ashton please. Now is not the time. We have things to discuss that concerns your mother"

"Then why don't you go pick her up. Why am I here?"

"Because. There's something you need to know about your dear mother"

"Please don't call her that. We aren't exactly on the best terms right now"

"I heard" dad chuckled.

"Yeah? Well you should know I don't want to have anything to do with her!" I spat, looking outside the window. We were passing the airport, most probably heading out of town.

I stayed quiet most of the way. When my father called me and said he wanted to see me I told him to shove it. Nothing good ever happens when I meet him, it's always for something fucking bad! Maybe this time is just like the last, he's taking me to my next job. Wish I had a different fucking life. One where I could actually live without worrying about being cuffed because of something my dad did or attempted to do. This was bullshit!

After an hour of sitting in this damn car, we finally reached wherever the hell we were driving to. The driver got off first and came around the side to open the door for my dad. I scoffed, he thinks he's the fucking king. I opened the door and stepped out, slamming it as I walked away.

"Easy on the car, son. I can't afford to have it repaired again. Remember, last time you did a number on it" dad said, tapping my shoulder.

I pushed his hand off me and walked into the house. It was massive, even bigger than the last one we were staying in. I pushed open the huge mahogany doors and stepped inside. Although the outside looked like a mansion, the interior was different. The entire place was filled with furniture. I walked up to the first sofa I saw, it was white, leather and expensive. I flipped over the price tag and couldn't believe it.

"Oh fuck me! Ten thousand dollars?! For a single piece?! What the hell, dad? Is it made of gold or something? Is there drugs stashed inside? Tell me the truth!" I said, looking at him angrily.

"Ashton! Calm down for heavens sake. Let's go upstairs to my office. We'll discuss there. Come on, let's go" dad said, placing a hand on my back to guide me up the stairs.

"I can walk fine, dad!" I said, swatting his hand away.

Upstairs had a more homely feeling. Every inch of the floor was carpeted and the corridors smelt of vanilla. There was only one door that was open, I'm guessing that's the office. I walked straight in and laid down on the couch. Dad came in and sat on his extravagantly large chair. From the corner of my eye I could see a shadow of someone sitting by the fireplace. I turned my head at the same time as he approached me out of the shadows.

"Hello, brother".

I closed my eyes and sighed loudly. What the hell is this fucker doing here?

"Axel. Nice to see you again. ..not!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh! Settle down you two. This is not the time, nor the place. I'm fed up of you two fighting on my premises. Go have your feud elsewhere. Right now there's something important I must say!" Dad said, standing from his chair and glaring at the both of us.

"Fine. Sorry, dad" Axel said, taking a seat opposite him.

"Get your feet off my desk!" Dad said, knocking Axel's skinny ass legs off the desk. I laid there laughing at him and he flipped me the middle finger.

Life Of Kaia (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora