Chapter 26

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Alpha was sitting behind his desk, impatiently tapping his fingers on the wood as we waited for everyone to arrive

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Alpha was sitting behind his desk, impatiently tapping his fingers on the wood as we waited for everyone to arrive. I occupied a chair that was pushed into the far corner, able to access and watch everyone without being completely noticed. Familiar faces filled the room. They were the top ranking warrior, the ones I had eaten dinner with last night. A new face was engrossed in a conversation with Beta Caspian.

The door slammed open and a fuming figure barged into the room. Her platinum hair was knotted in clumps, her face was smuggled with dirt and absent of any makeup. Her eyes quickly scanned the room until they landed on my figure, curled up in the plush filled chair.

"You are late."Alpha muttered with a bored tone.

"You." She snapped and pointed at me. "This is all your fault." She stalked towards me, the look in her eyes crazed.

"That's enough." Alpha interrupted her speech.

"I knew it. I knew all along this was your fault and that.. that guy confirmed it!" She began to walk towards me.

"Rebecca, that's enough." Alpha urged.

"They want you! Not us! Your the one causing all of this and you have the nerve to sit there and cower in the chair, acting like the victim?" I'm the victim here!" She points at herself. "First you come here and take Orion away from me, my position and now your destroying our pack! I won't let you!"

"Cole, get her out of here." The man I did not recognize stepped forward and grabbed her flailing arms. She jerked in his hold, desperately trying to get free.

"You won't get away with this!" She screamed. "I won't let you!" She was finally drug out of the room, continuing to scream profanities at me. Everyone in the room was silent and looking in my direction. My cheeks became inflamed and I curled further into the leather cushion.

"I'm sorry about that. Her interruption was very rude and now, let's move past that. The rouges have officially became a problem and they are targeting my mate, your Luna." He paused, letting that statement linger around the room, to ensure that it stuck in everyone's mind. "They will not achieve what they are going for, they will not harm your Luna. More training sessions will be taken place. If you do not show up for the morning training then you must show up to the evening ones. Children or newly shifted pups will not be allowed near the forests and must have an adult watching them at all times. There will be more guards appointed to watch the borders and shifts will be shortened to conserve energy. If anything and I mean anything crosses the border, I will be notified of it. This shall not be taken lightly. Understand?"

Murmurs of agreement ran through the room. "What if someone does cross the border into our land? What should we do?"

"Bring them down before the get close to any of the buildings. Try to bring them to me if possible but if they are causing to much trouble, end them." That will just make it worse. They will gather up forces and try to take the land because that's how they work. They are kill or be killed. "Malia?" I looked over to the left, accidentally making eye contact. "Do you have something you wish to say or add?" I wanted to say no but then I'd be lying and he would know that. I solemnly nodded my head

"It is quite obvious that I am known to the rouges, I was one for many years. The one who spoke tonight is one to never be crossed unless you wish for death or worse. His name is Gordon. He likes to think of himself as the 'Alpha of Rouges' but he is most known as 'Master'. He runs a hidden pack and they are ruthless. They are trained to not stop unless they are dead. They won't stop until they get what they want or they can't fight anymore. "I let out a sigh and looked to the ground. "I know what he can do and the numbers he hold. He will start a war unless I give myself up to him." Alpha let out a deep growl, making me jump in my seat.

"If it is a war he wants, then a war he shall get. I will not be handing you over to him. We will fight tooth a nail to keep you and this pack safe. I will be contacting Alpha's if we need any support. We will win this." He scanned the room, making eye contact with each and every person to make sure they picked up every word he had said. "You are all dismissed.

The men began to file one by one out the door, some already talking about the new rotation schedule for the watch hours. When there were only a handful left, I stood up from my chair and began making my way out.

"Wait, Malia." I stopped my movement and slowly turned around. "I would like to speak with you for a moment."

I stood still, exactly where I stopped, as we waited for everyone to leave the room. My eyes were everywhere but him, the shelves that lined the walls of his office, the window that made up the entire back wall but I ended up just staring at my feet. The last person finally made their way through the doorframe and shut the door behind them.

"Malia." He stood up from his desk and walked around it, towards me. "Malia, can you please look at me?" I shook my head, that is disrespectful. His bare feet came into my line of sight, standing directly in front of me.

His hand slowly and gently grasped my chin, tilting my head back until my eyes met his. My heart rate spike and my instincts screamed at me to look away but I couldn't. I seemed to be drawn to him. His eyes, a beautiful shade of green, hints of blue thrown in here and there. He slowly brought up his other hand and placed it upon my cheek, rubbing his thumb slowly back and forth. His hands were large, something that should have scared me, but they were also warm. The warmth emitted from his hands oddly comforted me. Tingles danced across my skin as the mate bond responded to his touch. I gently leaned into his hand, my wolf almost purring in the back of my mind.

"You know we will protect you, right? That I will protect you?" He asked. "I will make sure that nothing happens to you."

I currently should be studying for my end of course exam for geometry but I already know I'm going to fail anyway. Sooo... I wrote this instead. (:

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