Chapter 48: 25th Birthday Memory

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11 Months Ago
25th Birthday - Memory


"No way.  You aren't wearing that.  Dress sluttier."

I peer down to my T-shirt and jeans and raise my arms in protest.  "Morgan.  My mom will be with us.  I am a mom.  My boyfriend will not be there.  I'm not dressing slutty!"

Her brown eyes roll in the most overly exaggerated way possible and she tosses me one of her shirts from her suitcase.  "Put it on!"

"It's see-through!"

Her eye brows wiggle.  "That's the point."

"I'll pick something else from my own closet, thanks.  Something that leaves a little more to the imagination."  I leave the living room and walk to my closet, selecting a low cut purple and silver top that I could layer, some black skinny jeans and light gray chucks. 

"Heels.  Silver." 

I glare at my best friend, cursing the day I let her talk me into going out for my birthday before I crawl into the back of my closet and pull out the heels she knows I own. 

I'm not sure where exactly she's dragging me to tonight but I know it's some trendy bar in downtown Minneapolis.  Since the boyfriend could not get off work, Morgan made it her mission to create 'Girls Night'.  My mom and Sydney were making the eight hour trip to come and get wasted without the presence of our significant others.  Sydney's fiancé did not like this idea at all but she could not miss out on seeing our mom drunk for the first time.  Neither of us wanted to miss that.  Plus it wasn't often that I got to see them, so I really was looking forward to tonight.

Morgan takes one look at my outfit and nods approvingly.  "The guys will lose their shit tonight when they see this hot MILF walk in."

I grab my pillow and smack her with it.  "I'm taken!"

"Right." She rolls her eyes.  "Are you ready now?  Can we go?  I promised your sister we would meet them at eight."

I pull my hair down from my ponytail, giving it a few scrunches and nod that I'm good to go.

It takes about forty-five minutes to get downtown and another half hour of waiting in line to get into this place. When we walk in I notice that almost every single person is female and there is a large sign above the stage that says "Ladies Night."

"You did not bring me to see male strippers with my mother!" I clutch my best friends arm.

"Ouch! Bitch! Calm down! I would never do that!" Morgan releases herself from my grasp and I let out the breath I was harboring. Thank god. "They prefer the term exotic dancers..."


She shrugs. I'm about to kill her when my sister runs towards me and throws her arms around me, nearly knocking me to the ground.

"Happy birthday Gabbers!! Let's get you wasted!"

"I still don't get how you got in here. You don't turn twenty-one for like six months!"

"Shut up! No one questions it because of the ring!" She holds up her hand and wiggles her fingers, displaying her large engagement ring. She runs off and begins ordering a bunch of ridiculously expensive fruity drinks while my mom gives me a big hug and wishes me a happy birthday.

"We have seats!" Morgan hands out tickets to each of us. "Gabby you sit here." She points towards a seat that is in the first row and in the exact middle.

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