Chapter 24 - Lies

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Ashley's POV

When I wanted to walk out of the bathroom, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I cried out in pain as I placed my hand on my stomach. I was trying to control my breaths. The pain wasn't passing.

I placed my hand on the wall for support as I tried to walk out. There was just the housekeeper in the mansion.

I opened the door and shouted. "Help!"

As I felt another pain, I collapsed onto the floor at the door. I placed my hand on my stomach, frightened.

"Please, my baby..." I muttered, rubbing my stomach, crying.

"Ashley!" Blaze called my name as he rushed towards me and bent down beside me.

"Blaze...please, help me." I begged in pain, scared.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you or the baby." He said, trying to control his voice as he placed his hand on top of my hand on my stomach.

He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to his car. He helped me to get his car and closed the door for me. He rushed towards the driver side and got in the car quickly.

I squeezed my lips together as I felt another sharp pain. "My baby, please stay with me." I muttered, crying as I rubbed my stomach.

Blaze held my other hand as he said. "Don't worry. I will not let anything happen to our baby."

Finally, we arrived at the hospital. Blaze scooped me up in his arms and carried me in.

"Help!" He shouted as we walked in.

The nurse rushed towards us as she brought a stretcher. Blaze placed me on the stretcher and held my hand tightly. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to our baby." He said while stroking my hair.

I was crying without saying anything. The nurse took me into the room as she said Blaze to wait outside.

The doctor walked in. She asked a few questions while she was checking up my baby using an ultrasound. She was looking at the screen with a serious expression.

"How is my baby?" I asked, sobbing.

A few seconds later, she replied. " For now the baby is fine. But we have to do some tests." She stood up and left after giving some instructions to the nurse.

The doctor came back, holding the test results in her hand. She said as she looked through them.

"You should be more careful in your first trimester. You have a risky pregnancy. You should rest, avoid stress and lay as much as possible. Otherwise...." She paused before continuing. I looked at her with wide eyes, frightened. My eyes welled up. "And if you feel any pain, even a slight one, immediately come to the hospital." I nodded. "Ok, I will inform your husband. He is waiting for information about both of you. He looked so anxious." She said, giving me a warm smile.

I bit my lower lip. Blaze. He found out about our baby. What will I do now? I was afraid of his reaction, my parents and James's reaction. Everything was messed up. On the other hand, I needed to think about my baby. I couldn't live if I lost him or her. I already love him or her even without seeing him or her. But if they found out about it, I knew I would not have a day without stress. I was especially afraid of my father's reaction. And my pregnancy hormones didn't help me at all; I was over emotional, I couldn't think clearly. My emotions ran high. Sometimes it felt like a roller coaster of emotions.

When the doctor wanted to leave, I asked. "Could I ask you a favor?" She nodded.

The doctor left after she had accepted my request. I lied to her and asked her to lie to Blaze about how long I was pregnant if he asked.

Blaze walked into the room and approached me. He sat beside me as he held my hand and placed his other hand on my stomach, rubbing my stomach.

"I was so scared." He said as he kissed my knuckles and kissed my stomach. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Forgive me, Blaze!

I breathed deeply as I said. "It is not yours." I was holding my tears back.

He looked at me, stunned as he pulled back. " are lying." He mumbled, shaking his head.

"No, my baby's father is James." I muttered.

"No, you are lying." He snapped as he stood up, running his hand through his hair. "Please, tell me you are lying." He pleaded, giving me a begging look.

"You can ask the doctor. I am four weeks pregnant." I muttered.

He shook his head, looking into my eyes, a mixture of sadness, disappointment, hatred in his eyes. "I hate you. You vanished everything that has stayed." He said as he stormed out.

I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. I burst out crying. I placed my hand on my stomach. Please, forgive me, my baby....And you Blaze.

Two weeks had passed since that day. I hadn't seen Blaze after the hospital. He told his mother that he had been staying in his penthouse. After he had left the hospital, the doctor told me that he asked her how far along I was pregnant. She told me she said it to him as I asked her to tell him.

James and I told his parents that I am pregnant and we found out about it after the marriage. I also told my parents. They softened up a little. At least, now they talked to me.


I was about two and a half months pregnant. The baby was normal and healthy, but the doctor told me there still had some risks. Fortunately, I didn't feel any pain after that day.

I got ready and went downstairs. James and his parents were in the living room. We were waiting for Blaze for dinner. He called his mother today and told her that he was visiting us this evening.

James smiled at me as he saw me. I smiled at him back and sat down beside him on the couch.

The doorbell hummed. The housekeeper went to open the door.

"Good evening." Blaze greeted as he walked in with a woman, his arm around her waist.

She wore a mini red dress, showing her slender legs, an annoying smile on her face.

James and his parents stood up and greeted them. I looked at him, shocked without moving, sitting on the couch.

Who is she?

"Let me introduce you to Carla, my girlfriend." He said.

After he had introduced his parents and James, they walked towards me. I stood up barely; my legs were trembling.

"And Carla, this is my sister-in-law, Ashley." He said, looking into my eyes with loathing in his eyes, emphasizing the word sister-in-law.

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