Chapter 10 - Misha🌙

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I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I exited the mansion with Sebastian and Lucia. There wasn't much to do in a small town like this. Most of the shops here aren't high end brand name stores. Their clothes were beautiful but didn't cost an arm and leg to buy. It would be the most obvious thing to go out and shop until my feet hurt but I wanted to do something different today.

I wanted to go to the roller skating rink. A lot of people uses that place to hang out. We entered Sebastian's old beat up car, we drove off in the direction of the town.

"Why are we doing this again?" Lucia asked, she was another omega within the pack although I don't see her very often. She worked mostly outside in the garden.

"Because we are fun people." I replied.

Sebastian scoffed, "This is not fun. We could stay home and relax. Eat a bucket of ice cream."

"Ice cream sounds nice right about now." Lucia chirped in.

"No." I said firmly and twisted around in the passenger seat to eye the two with a stern look. "I want to go to the skating rink and that is what we are going to do."

"But there will be ton of people there," Lucia mumbled.

"The greater the better. I want to immerse into the crowd and play, 'Where's Waldo?'." I slapped my thigh to confirm just how much I meant it.

Sebastian chuckled, "Where's Waldo...good one."

"What's with you today?" Lucia questioned. "You seem a little angry."

My mind flashed to what happened earlier this morning. I couldn't stop the horrified blush that keeps creeping onto my cheeks. I pursed my lips and turned away from my friends. No one needed to see that I was blushing out of my mind.

"I'm not." I argued.

"You're holding something back." Sebastian glanced sideways at me as he pulled into town.

Today was a very pretty day—sunny with a soft cool breeze. The clouds were like little soft cotton balls in the skies. The leaves were still clinging onto the trees with their ginger, golden, and crimson colors. I can't let what happened this morning affect my mood today. Today was a good day.

However, I can't deny the fact that I couldn't help but think about how close we were. I slept in Michael's bed. He carried me to bed. I wondered if I snored or drooled at all on his pillow. Oh god, the horror! I made a mental note to change his pillow covers as soon as I get home.

"Laurel?" Lucia waved her hand in front of me.

I blinked and saw that we were already here. I jumped out of the small beat up car and almost skipped my way towards the entrance when Sebastian's firm grip on my elbow stopped me.

My eyes followed where his hand is wrapped around my elbow, up his arm to his face. "What?"

"You didn't answer me. Did something happened?" He narrowed his dark brown eyes at me in concern.

"Nothing's wrong. I just want to have some fun." I lied easily with a shrug.

He didn't look that convinced but Lucia pulled me away before he could dig any further. 

We walked inside the old fashion skating rink. Lights were dimly lit with all kinds of neon colored lights. Many people were already there hanging out. Some were sitting around the tables eating pizza, burgers, and fries. Others were drinking by the bar. The hangout was strictly for adults only. The teens liked to hang out at the skaters park a few miles south from here.

We walked over to pay for our roller blades before walking to sit on a bench. I slipped my shoes off and was about to put my roller blades on when Sebastian crouched down before me. He took my roller blades from me and proceeded to slip it on my feet.

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