8. Family

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"Is this the right place?"

I woke up from my nap to Billie's shy voice and was about to complain when I looked out the window and saw the big, creepy stone building with the purple door that I knew to be aunt Rose's.

"Yeah," I said with a grin spreading over my face, "This is the place."

"Should I stay in the car while you explain to her what happened?" he asked, shyly.

"Nah, she'll like you. You're a fucking weirdo" I said almost laughing to myself.

"Okay," he responded as we got out of the car. We walked up the failing, plank steps that led to her front porch where there was a rocking chair and about a million hanging plants. I knocked on the door and heard a few barks and the pattering of dog feet before hearing her shout from the inside, "Mipsy! Muffy! Shut the hell up!"

The door swung open and I saw the tiny figure I knew to be aunt Rose standing behind it. She had a large grin on her wrinkly face. She was wearing a black blouse and pants which were covered in her chihuahua, Muffy's, hair.

"My, how you're aging wonderfully," she started with that grin still pasted on her face, "And who's this?"

Billie gave me this worried look. He was standing a good five feet away on the front steps still. He must've not been good at the whole family thing.

"This is Billie, he's cool," I said gesturing behind myself.

"Billie.." she started, "I don't remember you ever mentioning a Billie last time we spoke."

"We're sort of new acquaintances," I responded.

She gave me a quizzical look before giving me a nod. "Come on in. The dogs won't bite you Billie, don't worry."

Billie let out a sort of nervous chuckle before following me into the house.

"Are you kids hungry? I can make you something to eat if you'd like. Should I call someone to let them know you're here?" She asked as we followed her inside past the staircase in the living room and headed for the kitchen. Aunt Rose just loved to fatten people up.

"Fuck no!" I said. She looked back at me looking concerned. "I meant fuck no about calling anyone, sorry. We are very hungry," I said with a sheepish smile.

"So, they finally drove you mad, I see. I knew it was a matter of time. I thought this day would come sooner, honestly. What would you like to eat, sweeties? I can make macaroni and cheese?"

"That sounds great," Billie said with a beaming smile. His eyes had a glimmer in them and all from macaroni and cheese? He was sitting on the floor, still in the living room, with both dogs sitting on his lap, petting them with each hand. I should've figured he would go straight for petting the dogs. He looked like a massive toddler playing with them on the ground.

Aunt Rose looked at him and let out a loud laugh at the sight and looked at me and said, "I'll make your food, but only on one condition."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I feed you if you tell me why you two are here."

That seemed fair enough.


"So, that's why you ran away?"

"Yeah, I think that about covers it," I told aunt Rose. I ended up doing most of the talking considering Billie seemed way too nervous and had way too much pasta in his mouth for the duration of the conversation.

Aunt Rose glanced over at Billie. "Why would someone want to do that to you?"

Billie's face got a little red. I could see pure fear in his eyes. He didn't respond.

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