Chapter 25 - He's Gone (Edited)

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Rose POV :

He couldn't be serious. "I am sorry sir but you must be mistaken... My dad is not dead... I talked to him last night. "I said while laughing a bit thinking he was just joking or mistaken.

"Ms.Gold I am sorry, but it's true your father is no longer with us."

"No.. No... You're lying. "I started crying. No! I refuse to believe that. He could't die. He couldn't leave me alone. He was all I have.

He stared at me speechless. He knew there was nothing more to say to convince me. So I just accepted it and let the tears flow.

"How did he die? "I said while staring at the ground.

He sighed and said "He was murdered."

I snapped my eyes at him. Murdered? By who? And why? What did he ever do wrong?  My dad was very kind and loving... I never thought he had enemies.

"He was killed in his hotel room... He was laying dead on the ground... His blood was everywhere and his skin was ripped apart...  It was an awful scene."

Right now I was sobbing. Not just he was killed but the fact that the way he died was awful. I knew something was wrong. I shouldn't let him go.

"Do you know who killed him? "

"Yes.... But I shouldn't tell you... It is not my place to tell you."he said really quickly. What did he mean? Why wouldn't he tell me?

"Who was it? Just tell me. "

"Ms. Gold I shouldn't. I only came here to deliver the news and to know where would you like to bury him."

What was he talking about?

"What about the hotel or the company he worked in... And the funeral? "

"Ms. Gold,  when we knew that your father was murdered, we didn't want this war to be worse, so we hid the body for now and cleaned the room and checked him out. No one knows he died except for you. It is for the best."

What war? What was he saying? Who was this guy? I didn't want to be left clueless so I talked my mind out.

"What war? And who are you? "

"The war between werewolves and humans."

I froze. How did he know about werewolves? No one told me there was a war. They only said that they hated each other. Even though I had a scared look on my face right now, he continued.

"Your father was never on a business trip. It was a trap to send him away. He no longer works in that company because his boss is the one who set it up, and if the world knows that someone was killed, it will be a disaster. Fear will be spread. We don't want that, not after what happened with Mike. "

How did he know about Mike? How did he know all of that information?  I was starting to feel more uncomfortable than before in his presence. Who was he? That was the question I kept repeating in my head. I could hear my heart in my ears as he continued. 

"The only person who can stop this war is you Rose...  "

I flinched when he said my name. His tone now became more serious.

"You have no idea why they want you... It is because you can end this."

"But how... "

He stood up and walked to the door. I also stood up and followed him. He opened the door and looked my way behind his shoulder.

"You will now how, So bury him next to your mother? "

I nodded and tears started flowing down my cheeks at the mention of them both now under ground. He was about to close the door when he looked at me again. "Oh and the name is Ronald. We will meet again soon. " by that he closed the door.

My world was now shattered into million pieces. I walked slowly to the couch and carelessly sat on it. I cried and sobbed. I was all alone. By myself. No mother. No father. No family. Nothing. Now I was in a world where there was a war and I was magically supposed to stop it.

My life was never perfect. It never was. I kept smiling and having faith and hope inside of me saying that it was going to get better. Every day that passed by, I came to realize that hope and faith were just kids words and I felt stupid for ever believing in them.

I kept crying, each tear held the stitches that were once on my heart. Now my heart was an open wound,  scarred with every pain I went through and this time there was no cure. For once in my life I wanted to be normal. To be loved and cared. Was this to much to ask?

I was awaken from my bed of thoughts by the door bell. I walked to the door. I could feel how my eyes were blood red. Fresh tears that were on my cheeks dried by the cool air. I opened the door to be faced by Jason. It was funny how I waited for his arrival and now I wanted him to get the hell out of my face. Deep down inside of me I felt it was his fault - their fault.

I didn't know about them until few days ago and know rogues want to kill me because apparently I was the world savior. Yeah right. They are obviously the ones who killed my dad so they could get to me alot easier.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? "Jason asked while looking concerned.

"What's wrong?! WHAT'S WRONG!!! Hell Jason! Like you don't know what's wrong? My dad died he is dead! You know why? Because of you. All of you! I never want to see you again! "

"What do you mean he died? "

"He was MURDERED by those stupid rogues. Some guy came and told me that nobody knows. Nobody cares. Thay killed him as if he was a piece of trash. "

"Rose, calm down. Look I am sorry I didn't mean this to happen. I want to protect you—"Before he could finish I cut him off.

"I don't want you protection. I don't want anything from you. Just leave me alone. I don't give a damn if those rogues find me and kill me. There is no point in living any way."I slammed the door in his face.

I stood there a minute before I heard his car drive away. I leaned on the door and slid down to the ground. I hugged my knees and started to cry again. I didn't care if all my tears were dried. I didn't care if my voice disappeared from all my sobbing. I wanted to sit here and feel sorry for myself. To be sorry for my parents for bringing me here to this world. To be sorry that I knew I was the reason they left.

I didn't blame Jason. I didn't blame anyone. Not even that Ronald guy. Hell I didn't even blame this 'B' guy and his followers. I only blamed myself for always thinking 'it will be okay' when I knew that it would never be.

                     ~. ~. ~. ~.~. ~. ~


Just letting you know few more chapters and this book is over. Thank you for the people who read it and liked it. ❤❤❤you are the best.

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Moon Goddess Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora