Chapter Fifty-Two - Bite You

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Song: Impossible by James Arthur


I folded my arms around myself, squeezing my eyes shut. My feet moved of their own accord, and before I knew what had happened, I was back inside my room. Samuel was still beside me, guiding me to sit on my bed. I did so without hesitation, barely resisting the urge to lie back and disappear into the blankets.

Samuel held out the bottle of water to me. "Here."

I took it without a word, staring at his feet. When they didn't retreat, I lifted my gaze up to his face. I expected to find anger lying in wait, but what I saw was a mask. There was no emotion in Samuel's features. He was completely shut off.

"What were you doing down there?" Samuel eventually asked me in a monotone voice.

"I don't know."

"You could have asked someone to bring you water. Or used one of those." He gestured to the pile of water bottles and uneaten food next to my bed.

"I know."

"You shouldn't be alone. It's not safe."

I paused, then responded in a faint voice. I expected my tone to come out as harsh or hostile, but it was lifeless. "I thought the pack liked me, now. After what you said."

Samuel stiffened. "What did I say?"

My gaze traveled back up to meet his. When I looked into his eyes, he knew my answer. He didn't have to guess at what I was talking about. The mask cracked for a moment, and every thought he had was written plainly on his face.

"Oh," he sighed, cursing under his breath. "That."

"Were you going to tell me? Or were you just going to wait until the full moon and then bite me?"

"Samantha, I-"

"I guess it would be easier to wait," I cut him off, my voice still faint. "I wouldn't try to fight you or run that way. You could catch me off guard."

Samuel shifted his weight. "Let me explain."

I shrugged. "Then again, if you didn't wait then the whole pack could see that you finally have me. I couldn't run that way, either. I'd be forced to stay here until my shift was complete, or else I would probably die." If possible, my voice quieted further. "I don't think you want me to die."

My throat went tight, and my voice cut off. Samuel took that moment to close the distance between us. He knelt in front of me, grabbing my face between his two hands.

"Stop. Just stop."

He stared at me with a trembling expression. My own dead eyes caught all the emotion swirling in his. He wasn't angry with me; his eyes weren't threatening to turn colors. But there was an emotion just as strong as anger bubbling up to the surface and threatening to explode.

"What did Bray say to you?"

I shrugged and tried to pull my face away. My hands weakly tugged at his own.

"Samantha," Samuel took my attention back with a forceful tone. "What did he say?"

Tears were forming in my eyes, now. I didn't know how it was possible. After the past few days, I shouldn't have any tears left. But, they were brimming, nonetheless. At this point, I didn't have the strength to fight them. They blurred and distorted my vision with every blink. I almost wished the water wouldn't stop flowing, and would simply drown me. 

My hands stopped fighting. They rested on Samuel's and now we were both cradling my face. His thumb traced small circles along my cheeks. I stared into his deep blue eyes, tormented with things unsaid, sure that my own reflected the same expression. 

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