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She stared at the snow covered fall outside and sighed, their honeymoon had been cut short before it could even start properly. She was feeling very bad, she had wanted to enjoy on the beaches of his island, and she had even bought a selection of bikinis not to mention those two thousand dollar Balenciaga boots. There were so trendy now and wouldn't be so trendy the next month especially with the fashion weeks coming. She pouted, how would she wear them now?

She shook her head. Arsenio San was so upset, he didn't want to cut his honeymoon short and he had been so angry about it. He wanted to see the world with her, he had said and then he had just snarled loudly and smacked her butt and told her to start packing. It was the next day and they were now driving to their house. She placed her hand over his clenched fist and kissed his cheek.

"Arse...nio San," she whispered and he looked at her.

His eyes were simmering with anger.

"I... love you," she whispered and she saw the anger dissipate from his eyes. He cupped her cheek and kissed her softly; she curled her toes and sighed. He made her insides churn with delight, his intensity made her feel alive and he was always on her mind. She liked how he was soft only for her, she didn't even know what a ruthless Arsenio looked like, and he was such a gentleman, her Arsenio San, her handsome Daddy.

They reached home and opened the door for her. She placed her hand in his and walked inside. Brian opened the door for them, his face was stoic.

"He's here," Brian said through gritted teeth.

Who was here?

Arsenio San nodded and turned to her.

"Baby girl, I want you to go to your room and not come down till I tell you to," Arsenio San instructed her. She wanted to stay with him but she nodded for his sake, he looked so angry and stressed that she didn't want him to get even angrier. She walked into the elevator and saw him go towards the living room.

The elevator closed and a few moments later opened on their floor. She walked towards their bedroom and saw their luggage already in the dressing area. Her eyes caught her precious Balenciaga boots and she skipped to them. She had the perfect outfit planned for it, she clasped her hands and closed her eyes and imagined herself strutting around in Seville in these gorgeous boots.

An idea came in her mind; she took her outfit out, a Dior white doily lace middy dress, the one she was planning on wearing with the boots and quickly put it on followed by her beautiful Balenciaga boots. She turned to the mirror and pulled her phone out, she started to click a few photographs of herself. This outfit was definitely not her usual taste, I was very loud and her style was often demure and feminine and gentle. But she fell in love with the boots, now where would she wear them?

She plopped on the bed and scanned through her photographs and began editing her pictures, she posted them on her Instagram. She had very less followers and a private account and due to a reason, she didn't like a lot of attention and invited only a very few people in her personal space. She hated the massive attention and liked being not known and anonymous. Her personal life was just for her and now for her husband. No one else, Damon too would only have a very limited role in her life.

Arsenio San entered the room, he looked highly distressed and furious. She walked to him and took his hand in hers. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was a habit of his, even she pinched the bridge of her nose but nothing happened.

"What?" she inquired and he looked at her.

"Nothing baby girl, the dinner is ready," he whispered, "there is someone that I'd like you to meet."

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