Chapter 19 - The visitor from the past

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Sarah's POV

I hung up my phone and placed it into my bag. I was talking to my mother. She told me they would come before I gave birth. They had visited us twice after Dimitri and I got married. My mother liked Dimitri. She told me he was a charming man, and she was happy to see him being caring and affectionate towards me.

I walked into the bakery. I craved some croissants. The bakery smelled mouth-watering. After buying my croissant, I left the bakery.

As I walked away from the bakery a little, a man blocked my way. He was in his early thirties. He had black hair and brown eyes.

"Hey, beautiful." He smirked arrogantly.

I tried to pass by him, but he didn't let me as he grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of me!" I snapped, trying to pull my arm away.

He placed his free hand on my lower back as he leaned his face closer to me. I tried to push him back, but he tightened his grip, pulling me closer to him.

"Let go of me!" I shouted at him, frightened.

He tried to kiss me when I heard a familiar voice.

"Let go of her!"

It was Nikolai.

Thank God.

Nikolai grabbed his arm, pulling him away from me and punched his face. The man lost his balance and fell down.

"Are you okay?" Nikolai asked, concerned.

I just nodded. I couldn't talk. My legs were trembling.

The man ran away as soon as he stood up.

"Ok, come on. There is a cafe near here. You should pull yourself together. You look pale." He said and helped me to walk.

After drinking some water at the cafe, I felt a little better.

"Thank you, Nikolai. If you..." I couldn't hold my tears.

"Shh, okay. Everything is fine." He placed his hand on my arm, giving me a reassuring smile. "What were you doing here alone? It is dark outside. And you are pregnant. You shouldn't leave home alone at this hour. It is dangerous. Where is Dimitri?" He asked.

"He is in the mansion. He went to talk to his father. I wanted some croissants. So..." I murmured, rubbing my belly and shrugged my shoulders.

I shouldn't leave home at this hour. Dimitri hadn't let me leave home without the driver, but I didn't listen to him. Now I was regretting it. If he found out about what had happened, he would be frustrated.

"Nikolai, please....don't tell Dimitri. He will go mad." I muttered.

He gave me a warm smile and nodded. "I am sure about it." He chuckled. "But be more careful."

I smiled at him as I promised. "I will."

After Nikolai had dropped me off to the penthouse building, I thanked him again and walked into the penthouse building.

Dimitri's POV

I had a meeting early this morning. After getting ready, I looked at Sarah; she was sleeping peacefully. I kissed her forehead as I caressed her showing stomach and left.

After the meeting, I called my father. He was going to talk to my mother this morning.

"Hi, Dad."

"Hi, Dima. How are you, son? And Sarah?"

"Fine, Dad. She is fine too. Did you talk to her?"

He sighed. "Yeah. Don't worry. She will not bother us anymore."

"How?" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I gave her the money she wanted. And probably, she is about to leave the country now."

"What?! Why, Dad? Why did you give her money? For that bastard?" I snapped. I was so angry.

"Dimitri, my children's happiness is important to me. And I know it is the only way. Trust me. She got what she wanted. She will not disturb us anymore."

I ran my hand through my hair, pacing back and forth in my office. I sighed deeply.

"Ok, Dad. If you think so." I murmured.

"Yes, Dima. Ok, I have to go to a meeting. But I will visit you this evening. I miss Sarah too."

"Ok. See you." I hung up and placed my phone down on the desk.

I sat down on my seat as I closed my eyes, holding my head in my hands.

My phone rang. I breathed deeply as I picked up the phone.

"Sir, you have a visitor." My secretary informed.

"Who?" I asked.

"Miss Alyona Antonova."

I breathed deeply, annoyed.

Another country heard from. I muttered under my breath.

"Sorry, sir?"

"Let her in."

A few seconds later, Alyona walked in. She wore a black ultra mini dress, showing her curves. She put her seductive smile on her face as she greeted me.

"Tell what you want and leave. I don't have so much time." I said dryly.

"You are so hospitable." She commented, smirking.

"Alyona, I am having a shitty day without you. Don't start you too." I snapped.

"Oh, my poor boy." She walked closer to me. When she wanted to stroke my hair, I pulled away and stood up.

"Alyona!" I hissed.

"Ok, ok. I have something important to tell you."

"I am all ears." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"How is your precious wife?" She asked, emphasizing the last words.

I clenched my fist. "I will not repeat myself, Alyona. I don't have any time for your bullshit. Leave now!" I snapped.

"Do you know what your lovely wife is doing when you aren't around?" She asked sarcastically.

I raised my eyebrow at her. My jaw clenched. I breathed deeply.

"Don't push my patience!" I warned her and approached her. "Don't make me call securities."

She pulled an envelope out of her bag and handed me it.

I grabbed it angrily and opened it. There were photos in the envelope.

"See what your innocent wife is doing." She commented in a sarcastic voice.

When I looked at the photos, I was shocked. Sarah was in the arms of some bastard. They were too close like they were going to kiss.

My jaw tightened. My muscles tensed up as I was staring at the photos in my hand.

"Where did you find these photos?" I snarled.

"It isn't important." She replied, self-satisfied. "She isn't so innocent, is she?!" She added.

"Get out of here!" I barked as I grabbed her arm tightly, dragging her out.

"Dimitri, let go of me! You are hurting me." She shouted as she tried to pull her arm away to release my grip.

I threw her out of my office and slammed the door behind her.

I looked at the photos in my hand. I fisted my hand, crumbling them. I pounded my fist against the wall, cursing.

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