Chapter 1

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"I'm going out!" I yelled to my father as I was walking out the front door. As the door was closing I could hear him start to yell some kind of response but I chose to slam the door behind me anyways because, well, I don't really give a shit.

My father and I have never really had the "closest" relationship, but he makes me act like it outside of the house. I was always a mommy's girl, we did everything together. But, things tend to change, and things did take a turn for the worst on January 2nd of last year. My mother was ill, very ill with a rare form of cancer and the doctors couldnt honestly do anything about it, at least that's what they said. So, the day after New Years Eve, the second day of the year, she died, and I'll admit it was one of the most painful experiences of my life.

I cried, and cried, and cried, and even stopped going to school. It was like losing your best friend, the one who does everything with you. The funny part though, is that my father never really even seemed "sad" his wife died. I mean, sure he obviously wasn't happy about it but he still laughed with others at the funeral (not appropriate) and I never even saw him shed a tear.

Sometimes I wonder if he wanted her to die, but I always shake the thought out of my head.

So, on June 14th (last week) my father decided that we needed something "different." It turns out his version of "different" is much different than mine. Knowing my father you'd think he would've said something about repainting the walls or getting new carpet, but no.

Instead, here we are, in a new house, in California, for no apparent reason at all, and I couldn't hate life any more. Everything here is so different from Oklahoma. The people are all "Hollywood" with fancy cars, clothes, hair, everything. I guess my dad just thought change would be good, but it's the complete opposite.

Ever since we arrived in this hell hole of a state I've been trying to ignore my father as best as I can. I'll give him one word answers, or sometimes not even talk to him at all. Let's just say he's never very happy about it, and normally he'll send me up to my room or some shit like that. Honestly, it's not even a problem for me, because I don't have any friends here anyways.

It's hard because school hasn't even started yet, so there's really no easy way for me to meet new people. Every day my father will tell me to "go out and meet new friends," but he doesn't understand that I can't. It's not that easy to just go out on the street and become best friends with someone, I don't have the guts to do that.

So, occasionally I'll take walks around the park by my house, just to let off all of the steam I've been holding in all year. Normally ill sit down by the pond and watch the ducks float on the water, thinking that my life would just be easier if I were one of them. So, that's where I am now, envying the ducks and their damn useless lives.

"God damnit!" I yell out loud, much louder than I intended, pulling the grass out of the ground. I place my head in my hands, and take deep steady breaths, because I know I could just start crying any moment now.

"Calm down, you're okay." I whisper to myself, lifting my head out of my palms. I stare out into the water, sniffling every now and then.

"Hey. You okay sunshine?" A deep voice says from behind me. I freeze up and stop breathing for a short second, debating on ignoring them or actually turning around.

I slowly turn around and see that there is indeed a 18 year old looking boy standing behind me. He is dressed well, and looks hot as hell in his black skinny jeans and leather jacket along with dirty white converse. His right arm is covered in tattoos, and he has an eyebrow piercing above his left eye. He seems intimidating, and my mind tells me to stay away from him.

I slightly smile up at the boy, taking in his appearance.

"Hi." I finally say in a cold(ish) tone as he smirks back. Why the hell is he smirking, is he judging me in his head? I begin to become insecure and quickly turn around, my heart beat increasing in speed.

"You never answered my question." He says from behind me. Why is he still here?

Still not turning around, I sniffle once before answering.
"Why?' I reply, crossing my arms.

"Because I witnessed your small tantrum you threw just a moment ago." He says, and my eyes widen. Shit.
"So, anyways. What's wrong, princess?" He says, plopping himself down right next to me.

"Long story." I tell him, keeping my eyes on the still water of the pond.

The boy lets out a small chuckle before spreading his long legs out before him, and leaning back on his arms. He takes in a deep breath before looking over at me and putting that damn smirk on his face.
"Oh babe, I've got plenty of time."

Ok hi guys first chapter yay but anyways I'm kind of new at this and I keep on editing this authors note lol hahah. But idrk what to say so just vote and comment ig and sorry if the chapter sucks but it'll get better and there will be a plot twist later and everything :-)

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