18. So Close

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Amazing cover by the lovely mahgadahling Thank you so much, sweetheart. I absolutely love ittttt!

Also, Follow me because I have no friends :)



"Dammit! Can't you just let anything go? I'm not a child, Dean! Tampons, I went to buy Tampons. Happy now?" She yanked her arm out of my grip and pushed me away as she made her way to the bathroom with a black bag in her hand.

Oh... I didn't know. I didn't mean to upset her, dammit.

I ran my hands through my hair and waited for her to come out. After a few more minutes and looking sicker than before, she finally walked out. Her face was pale and sickly yellow, and her eyelids were heavy. She didn't look good.

"Are you okay?" I was instantly by her side.

"Yes, I'm fine." She waved a hand.

"You don't look fine, Emma." I shook my head with a frown.

"I...I have my period. I just need to sleep." She cleared her throat as a blush made its way to her beautiful face.

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?" I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"No, thanks." She put her hand on her stomach and slowly made her way to the bedroom.

"Emma, I'm sorry."

"Don't. I'm sorry too. I know I should have woken you up but I was embarrassed. I just want to sleep, okay?" She shut her eyes.

I walked to the bed and got under the covers after her. She hugged her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around herself.

She looks so tired and defeated, as if she is about to faint. Is she sick or is that just because of her period?

"Are you cold?" I asked carefully and when she nodded I got up and got one more cover from the closet. I tugged it around her form to make sure she wasn't cold anymore before I got under the covers as well. I kept looking at her beautiful face for half an hour, both of us up yet neither uttered a word, and then she whimpered softly in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked again and she nodded.

"Does it hurt? I mean...are you in pain?" She nodded and started to silently cry.

"Can I get you anything? Some medicine or something? How can I help?"

"Do you have any painkillers?" She whispered. I got up and got her two pills with a cup of water.

"Here. Get up." I placed them on the night stand and helped her carefully to sit up. She took the pills then lied back down.

"Does it always hurt like this?" I asked when I sat down next to her.

"Yeah, sometimes worse." She shrugged.

"Did you ever go to see a doctor before?"

"I don't need to. It's normal. It just hurts."

"Well, can I do anything?" I got up as I asked again.

"No, Dean. Come back." She tilted her head up, and as much as I wanted to do nothing but get back in bed with her and wrap my arms around her tightly, I couldn't just stay still as I watched.

"I can get you anything you want, another pill or something to eat, or some sort of tea, maybe?" I suggested, moving my hands around.

"No, you can't do anything. It's not that big of a deal anyway."

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