Chapter 40: What Now?

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Jasmine's POV

It was a hot day in Brooklyn. I woke up to sweat running from my forehead to my chest and between my breasts. I pulled the covers off me and went to the bathroom and did my morning business. I stepped into the shower next, brushing my teeth, washing my hair and taking a long bath. I had been working myself up and breaking down again after seeing Evan and Aria Goode together at the restaurant.

Aria fricking Goode. A country singer. Beautiful in the face, long brown flowing hair, beautiful eyes, pretty lips and an awesome personality. Everyone liked her and would become a die hard fan the moment they heard her music. She was a goddess with a guitar and a songbird on the microphone. She was everything.

Despite the heat raging outside, I had to get to work. Today was payday and I needed my money badly.

I got dressed and went towards the kitchen.

"You got the morning shift?" Mom asked. She was whipping up a nice batch of pancakes which possessed her secret ingredient-- nutmeg.

Oops, don't tell her I told you.

"Yeah. Dexter changed the shifts last night," I answered, snatching a pancake and drowning it in syrup.

Dexter was the supervisor and second in charge. He had the authority to hire and fire someone but he was very lenient and didn't abuse his power. He was also a friendly guy, solid built with a huge beer belly. We called him "Bear".

After devouring three large pancakes, I took a bottle water from the fridge and placed it into my bag. I swung the bag onto my shoulder, kissed my mom, waved bye-bye to my sister, and ran out the door.

I was early for work, so I decided to walk. I opened my umbrella against the rays of the sun, opened my bottled water and drank it as I walked along. The restaurant wasn't far from where I lived-- a twenty minute walk, so it made no sense taking a bus.

I checked in as I came through the employees' entrance. I placed my bag in my assigned locker, wrapped an apron around my waist and went on the floor. I loved the morning shift. It was easier than the night shift. It wasn't busy, and no one ever asked for alcohol. It was always coffee or tea and breakfast meals.

At break time, I was at the bar, talking with Dexter, when a sharp pain nudged me in the stomach. I instantly felt dizzy and held onto the counter top for support. My hands felt sweaty and, although outside was hot, I felt cold. My jaw clung together as I tried to bypass the pain.

"Jasmine, are you alright?" Dexter asked me, coming over to my side and placing me onto a stool.

"Yeah, I'm fine." My typical answer.

"You're burning up. I'll get you a glass of water," he said.

I heard the sound of a glass being filled in the tap but the water never met my lips. The stool and I came tumbling over and darkness consumed me.


I opened my eyes slowly. A blinding light made me shut them again and reopen slower until my eyes adjusted to the bright light in a white room. Beeping sounds could be heard and a monitor showed a sonogram on the wall.

Where am I?

I managed to sit up and looked at my surroundings. I was in a small bed with an IV stuck in my hand. Tears came into my eyes. I hated hospitals.

How did I get here? Why am I here? How long will I be here?

I saw two smiling faces coming into the room-- my mom and my sister.

"Oh we've been so worried," Mom started.

"How are you feeling?" Zenia asked.

"Why am I here? What happened? When can I go home?" I asked, my voice already breaking. I hated hospitals so badly.

If I could run out of here, then I would.

"The doctor will be with you shortly, but you fainted on the job. Dexter brought you here. He said your eyes rolled to the back in your head before you collapsed," Mom explained.

"What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I fainted on the damn job?

"You'll be okay. It must have just been the heat or something," Zenia put in. She came over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hello everyone," a familiar voice greeted us. I knew that voice anywhere. She was my mother's doctor and now she was attending to me. Dr. Shannon. In her sharp white coat and white scrubs.

"Hello Doctor," my mom greeted her.

"It's nice to you again, Susan, but not under the circumstances, of course," she greeted and shook hands with my mom. "I'll need to speak with Jasmine privately," she added.

Mom and Zenia kissed my cheek and left the room.

"We'll be right outside," Mom called as she went out the door.

Dr. Shannon then turned to me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling alright."

"Can you remember how you felt before you got here?"

"I felt terrible. I was shivering, although it was so hot this morning. I was at work and my supervisor offered me a glass of water, and that's all I remember," I recollected.

"Jasmine, have you been under a great deal of stress recently?"

My mind instantly flashed back to Evan, quitting my job, and finding out that Bradley had no intentions but to play with me, again. I remembered all the times I went to bed crying my eyes out because Evan wouldn't accept my apology or respond to any of my text messages. I remembered seeing him in the restaurant with another woman all over his face. I had been beating myself up over him and look where it had gotten me in the end.

"Yes, I was," I answered truthfully.

"Okay, do you know what that is?" she asked me, pointing to the sonogram on the wall.

I nodded.

"So why are you not taking care of yourself?" she asked.

Okay, she lost me. And why show me a picture of a baby's sonogram when clearly it's not my baby because I'm not pregnant?

"I'm lost doctor," I told her. I was honestly puzzled.

"Jasmine, are you aware that you're almost two months pregnant?"

I fainted again.




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