Omega Community

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I had fallen asleep a few minutes after Vincent made that deal with me.  I couldn't believe how easy he was making this.  Honestly, I'm fairly sure he's lying to me.  He and I both know that there's absolutely no way he can possibly make me love him, let alone grow fond of him, within a week.  He pretty much just secured my spot in Florida.

Of course I was a little bummed out that he said that he'd still be keeping an eye on me when I manage to leave him, but I guess we can't win all of our battles.

Now I was truly awake, forced to do so because of the sunlight pouring in through the window that I had not seen last night.  I groaned, all the extra light making our shack look extra crappy.  The wood was old and chipping, and there was no TV...or any other electrical appliance besides the little light bulb dangling from a string-like wire.

The door opened and in walked Vincent.  Huh, I didn't even notice that he was gone.  Oh yeah, I'm so going to win this bet.

"Good morning Mate," he cheerfully said, holding a plastic bag in his hand that was filled with something.  "How are you feeling about me today?"  He had on an expectant face, as if just saying "good morning" was supposed to be some magic phrase to make me fall in love with him.

I scoffed.  "I didn't even notice you left."

Vincent's smile disappeared and his shoulders slouched a little.  "Well, hopefully this will make you at least like me a little bit," he said, tossing the plastic bag onto the mattress that was on the floor that Vincent expected me to call a bed.

I reached into the bag, finding new shirts and jeans – all my size and style.  I looked up at Vincent in confusion, who just smiled back at me.

"It took me a lot of doing, but I managed to scourge up some money to buy you some clothes, since the rest of yours are back in the other territory," he elaborated.

These clothes weren't actually that bad.  They were just my style, which was plain and a lot of dark colors.  They even seemed to be brand new, the tags on them, but the price blacked out.  I then looked up at Vincent.

He was dirty.  He was only clad in a pair of board shorts that appeared to be a hand-me-down.  I'm guessing that they used to be black, but due to all the dust and age that got on them, they look more like a charcoal gray/dark brown.  Vincent wasn't even wearing any shoes on his feet, which looked all rough and beat up.  He was shirtless, his torso looking like it was covered in a film of sweat and that dust had collected on it as well, making him look a little gross to touch.  I couldn't believe that even Vincent's hair looked horrible as well.  Usually it looked like it was gelled up, but now it just looked all ragged and like he had massive, unattractive bedhead.

Unsure how to ask why he looked so ugly, I just decided on a different tactic.  "Did you get yourself any new clothes?" I asked.

Vincent shook his head.  "Didn't have enough money," he shrugged.

I suddenly felt guilty, looking down at the new clothes I was just bought.  "Why didn't you just buy me less?" I tried.

Vincent chuckled, as if I should already know the reason why.  "You're more important," he simply stated.

Nice try Vincent!  I know what he's trying to do!  He's trying to get me to feel all sorry for him because he's so helplessly in love with me, that he'd rather buy me all these new clothes than himself.  Therefore, he's forced to walk around looking like some hick.  Well, it's not going to work.

"Well, thanks," I said, getting ready to change.  "What's the weather like out?"

"It's actually a little cold," Vincent said.

To Escape a Possessive MateWhere stories live. Discover now