Chapter 3

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Rory looked up at him, unsure whether to laugh, cry, or run.


"A demon. From the demon realm. It's not like the way you humans depict it with the sulfur pits and pitchforks and constant S&M."

She opened and closed her mouth several times, attempting to find words.

"Are you just going to gape at me or are you going to remember you can speak?"

"I need a drink." Rory got up and moved back to the kitchen, but the man was too quick for her.

"You're not moving until I get what I want."

"And you're not getting what you want until I get a better explanation, but if that's your explanation, I need a drink. Now. Now move."

He glowered at her.

"I'll get it."

"Bottle of whiskey. Cabinet above the sink," she said. She couldn't get a good look at his face in the dark, but she could still feel his eyes on her. He took a second, then nodded and turned away. Rory waited until he was in the kitchen, then ran back to the doorway and dived for her bag and started out the door. She reached to pull out her phone, trying to press for an emergency call, but his arms were around her again, dragging her back inside.

"NO!" She screamed as he slammed the door shut and threw her to the floor. He tried to lunge for her but she threw up her hands in front of her face and a faint trace of blue light appeared between them.

He didn't speak for a second, and then experimentally tapped the light with a finger.

"That's... fairly impressive, actually," he said, "But I doubt you'll be able to hold it for long. A shield that could keep me away will drain you quickly. I'll just wait. In the meantime, I'm assuming that this will force you to come to the conclusion that something supernatural is at work, no? I'm guessing you were planning to call the police and tell them a lunatic had broken in or some other nonsense."

Rory didn't say anything. She didn't think she could speak. All her energy was going towards keeping the barrier between herself and the man before her. She wasn't even quite sure how she was doing it, but now wasn't the time to question that. She needed to focus on keeping that shield intact.

"I bet a good hit would shatter this thing." He said, "I wonder...but then, you might get hurt, and I'm almost intrigued now. So why don't you put that down, and talk to me? I won't touch you. But if you keep that up for much longer you'll pass out, and then, who knows what might happen?"

She was starting to sweat now, the effort of holding up the barrier making her hands shake. She looked at him and knew she didn't have a choice, but she couldn't bring herself to let it go.

He sighed and lowered himself to one knee so she could look at him more clearly.

"I promise, I will not hurt you. Now, will you please stop?"

She groaned and let her hands down and her focus go, rolling to her side, trying to catch her breath.

"Who are you?" she managed say.

"Oh. I'm Asa." He said. "And you?"


"Would you like to get off the floor, Rory?" he asked, holding out a hand. She glared at it.

"I can get up myself." She tried to stand, but her legs did not want to support her weight. She stumbled, and she felt his arm around her.

"Right. Living room?"

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