Chapter 22

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The first thing Jack became aware of when he woke up, was the soothing warmth next to his body. As he slowly started to blink out of his sleep, he also heard the tiniest of noises, a little whine of protest, which instantly woke him up.

Blinking down, his eyes instantly filled, spilling soundlessly as he looked down at their child. The blue blanket was a clear giveaway and Jack bit back a hiccupping sob as he gently reached out. His stomach still was dissented, but he knew from Chris' explanation that it would take a while before his stomach deflated once more.

He reached out, brushing a finger over his son's cheek and smiled as the boy's nose scrunched up, as if pondering whether it liked or disliked the touch. He nuzzled against the touch and quieted down, letting Jack wonder over their little miracle.

What caught his eyes though, was the hair of their son. Like the usual newborn, it had a set of dark hair, but what was rather unusual, was the white fringe that brushed against the baby's forehead.

"Gorgeous, isn't he?"

Jack's eyes snapped up, nodding before reaching forwards to press a kiss to Kaiden's lips. His wolf was quick to respond, though the kiss remained gentle. Kaiden could easily see the hint of pain and exhaustion in Jack's eyes and knew not to press his mate too much.

Still, there was one question that burned on the wolf's lips and he couldn't help himself but ask, "So, what are we going to name him?" He blurted after five minutes of silence. Jack chuckled softly, nudging his finger against his son's tiny hand and feeling his chest swell with emotion when the boy grasped it tightly.


Kaiden's eyes widened, then swelled before his tears slipped down his cheeks. He had once jokingly stated, that if they had a son, their name should be a mix of their own, seeing as they both made the boy.

At the time, Jack had scowled at him and rolled his eyes, stating he'd think about the name but never had it really came up again.


They both smiled, though Jack smiled back a bit weakly and tiredly before reaching out for the boy. He was almost hesitant to hold Jayden but Kaiden slowly and gently lifted the boy and placed him in his daddy's arms.

"He's perfect." Jack whispered into the quiet room, checking that their son had all ten little fingers and all ten tiny toes. The new parents smiled and grinned at one another, basking in the glow of parenthood.

Jayden curled up his tiny nose, following up with an irritated whine. Jack hushed and cooed at the boy, feeling gently for the diaper but came up dry.

"I think our little pup is hungry." Kaiden chuckled, scooting out of the bed to move to a desk near the door. A bottle had been deposited there already and when it was gently offered to Jayden, the boy eagerly sucked down on the teat. 

Kaiden grinned proudly as the room filled with suckling noises, along with tiny pants as Jayden breathed in between gulps of milk. Jack gently moved the bottle side to side when Jayden paused after a while, no longer drinking yet still latched onto the bottle.

"I think he fell asleep." Jack murmured, smiling as Jayden suckled for a few more seconds at the gentle movement before releasing the bottle all together. 

"Here, lemme take him." Kaiden whispered before gently lifting the pup on his shoulder, almost hesitantly patting his back. After a decent belch, they placed the pup in his basinet, smiling as the boy promptly fell back to sleep.

"This is going to take some time getting used to." Jack murmured as he looked at his mate with warm eyes. Kaiden grinned and crawled back in bed behind Jack until they were comfortably laying on their sides, spooning one another while they could watch their son.

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