Chapter 20

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"He marked you!" Her mother squealed as Amy made her way to her room.

Amy frowned. Why was everyone who saw her talking about it?

First, it was Liann, who had accidentally entered Sam's room in the pack house (Sam had taken her to the pack house, by the way. A fact that she absolutely did not appreciate). When she saw the bite mark on her shoulder, she had squealed like a young girl, giggling as she forced Amy to tell her how it went.

Of course, Amy was hardly able to tell her anything for she had fainted once she was marked. For some strange reason, she did not have the courage to tell her friend under what circumstance she got marked. A part of her wanted to hide how Sam had marked her. It might've been wrong of her but she didn't have the courage to tell Liann about it.

Now, it was her mother. A dreamy look settled in Lily's eyes, a sigh escaping her as she grabbed her daughter's hand and pulled her to sit on the couch beside her.

"Amy, that is wonderful! I hope it was as special as what your dad did for me! It was a bit scary for me, though. A complete human getting bitten by a type of creature who isn't supposed to exist. The thought frightened me. I suppose I was lucky though. At least, your father could not shift into a wolf. Goodness knows, that would have creeped me out even more! How was it for you, though? Did your mate do something amazing for you?" Lily asked, curious to share more about herself and know about her daughter's marking. It only happened once in their lives so she wanted to know how Amy's went.

Amy grimaced. She didn't know how to tell her mother that her marking ceremony was not as glamorous as the both of them thought it would be. Amy felt a bit more hurt, deep inside her, that her father had actually made it special for her mother. Why didn't Sam do something for her then?

Refusing to ponder over that any longer, Amy changed the topic.

"What do you mean that dad couldn't shift into a wolf? Isn't he a werewolf?" Amy asked, trying to make her mother forget that they had been talking about something else before.

"Oh, you don't know? Your father is not a complete werewolf. Actually, your grandmother was one of those very few werewolves who were born as werewolves but never shifted into their wolves. When she married your grandfather, her first few sons were born as healthy shifters. However, as she grew older, somehow, things reversed and your father was only born as a partial werewolf. He can only elongate his canine and have great eyesight and all of that. He can't shift into a werewolf. It may have been a curse to him but it was a blessing for me. I was human, and I knew you would be human too. That's why it was best he didn't have a wolf. At least, he wasn't tied to a pack and we could raise you like a normal human. Of course, we didn't expect you to find your mate, though. It was quite random," her mother said, making Amy's head reel with all that she had just learned.

Lily smiled at her daughter before she tapped her own head playfully. "I forgot to ask you, how did your marking go? Silly me! I was so engrossed in talking about your dad's history, I forgot about asking you."

Any gave her a weak smile. "It was amazing," she muttered. "If you don't mind, I'm going to sleep. I'm quite tired."

Lily frowned at her daughter. Something was wrong but she knew better than to ask her. She needed to let Amy be more independent. If something was really bad, she was sure Amy would tell her. She didn't want to force her to say anymore than she wanted to.

"Of course, sweetheart," Lily said, staring as her daughter escaped to her personal haven. Even though she had promised herself not to go searching as to why Amy had been like that, she still could not help but worry for her daughter.

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