A Little Bit of Ruin

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

(F/n) continued to eat her breakfast, asking in-between bites, "So, what exactly did you have planned for this day? Knowing you, you have something in mind."

Of course, I have something planned. We're going to ruin Nathan's house a little. Well, to him it will be damaged, but to us it will look beautiful.

Giving him an intrigued look, she voiced, "Interesting, I would love to make him pissed off. I still want my pay, but at this point he probably will reduce it some. Then again, I deserve extra for having to deal with you. Anyway, go on."

You shouldn't worry about the pay at this point. I know where his secret money stash is, so I can just give some to you. Regardless, we're going to paint some scenery in your room or in other terms my old room. I like the red walls, but I feel like it should be changed. We can paint the walls with a scene that I wouldn't have access to.

"Drem, you're talking about a full blown wall mural for four walls. That's going to take more than a day."

Then, we can complete them when you come over again.

"You keep having all of these ideas, but they all rely on the fact of whether Nathan accepts them or not. If he despises you so much, I don't think he's going to be too welcoming of any of this. It just sounds like he wants to torture you for eternity. Besides, you even told me that you wouldn't be able to attack him quick enough before he sealed you somewhere else."

Well, we can at least start the murals. Come on, it will be fun. You get to paint on a large canvas, and I get to spend time with you. Think of it as your first professional commission for a client.

After swallowing a strawberry slice, she sighed and mumbled out, "Fine, what did you exactly want to paint? There are forests, oceans, space, etc. There are many environments that you don't have access to. You can do a different one for each wall, but, personally, I feel like you should keep it consistent to one."

I know, and I already have something in mind. I want you to paint a fantasy forest near the ocean, where the night sky is visible as well and leads into a stunning galaxy. Wouldn't that look fantastic?

She couldn't resist a smiling slightly, as a wonderful image took hold of her mind. "Yes, it would, but you do realize that I'm going to need much more paint than I have. Plus, that's going to be expensive, and I don't have the money for that."

That's why Nathan is going to pay you. I forgot to mention that he took the money out of my account when I was 'killed.' The bank had no idea anymore that the account belonged to me, and Nathan persuaded them through magic to hand the money over to him and to close the 'mystery' account. So, I'll actually be paying you. I had a lot of money saved up after all. Just order what you need and select same day delivery. I'll give you the money from Nathan's stash.

"Let me get this straight. You're asking me to basically empty a substantial part of my bank account to paint you a large mural, and you're going to pay me back with Nathan's money that's supposedly yours? Do you realize how pissed off Nathan is going to be at me? He may very murder me for everything that's happened here."

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