Planning the Recipe of Love

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Lee was arguing with the waiter when we walked in. Cam took the waiter aside immediately and sadly shook his head at him.

“I understand your pain, but Lee here is completely unreasonable. I’d just say you’re sorry, grovel and ignore what she says,” Cam told him wisely.

The waiter chuckled and nodded, moving onto the next table. I shook my head ruefully at him, quickly combing through my hair with my hands. I hadn’t been bothered to comb my hair, because only super-hot celebrities who were stalked by the press needed to be bothered with stuff like that. I mean, the only person who had ever stalked me was Nerdy Tommy Unglaoo (don’t even ask me how he got a name like that), and that was ‘cause he was obsessed with my eyes. I’d been contemplating a restraining order when he said he wanted to take my eye out and put it on a necklace. I mean c’mon….

“You suck, I don’t even know why we’re friends,” Lee snapped.

“Because I am the hottest person alive possibly?” Cam said, striking a modeling pose.

I giggled before I could stop myself. Lee and Cam turned to me, Lee glowering and Cam grinning from ear to ear. I had to admit, I had a sneaky suspicion that Lee didn’t hate it half as much as she liked to act. And Cam obviously loved it. And then, smack, bam, a mastermind idea sprung to mind. What on earth could be better than setting the two up? They obviously enjoyed each other’s company, and neither of them were unattractive to one another. This was perfect. I smiled innocently at them, inside doing an evil mastermind laugh. Move aside Dr. Evil, I was going cupid on their butts.

“Why are you smiling like that?” Cam asked, narrowing his eyes.

“Nothing!” I said, far too quickly.

“Tell us right now!” Lee demanded, “What is amusing your superior brain?”

“My brain is not superior!” I argued instantly, “My brain is normal, thank you very much.”

“Why do scientists think another ice age might happen?” Lee asked.

“Well you see, there are interglacial periods and glacial times. Glacial times is what you call it when an ice age is taking place, and interglacial periods last around 10,000 years. This is approximately around the time we’ve been here since the last ice age, so people are concerned. However other scientists say because of the way we’ve been burning fossil fuels, we have affected the planet so much that we have actually staved off another ice age. There was a mini ice age during the time of 1300 and 1850 …” I quieted down when I saw Lee’s shake of her head.

“No human being knows stuff like that as general knowledge. What the hell is wrong with you?” Lee laughed, “You are the craziest person I’ve met if you think you aren’t smarter than everyone in this coffee shop combined!”

I scowled at the wall behind her. Cam laughed and Lee responded, as quick as a wink. She was so fast thinking, it was incredible. The waiter came, shooting daggers at Lee and took our orders. He winked at me as I stuttered a little by accident and I felt a hot blush coming over me. Lee instantly assumed he loved me. I got the feeling that Lee made up her mind quickly and she stuck to it like glue. She was gutsy for such a small lady.

“Ooh, I know Dave won’t like that,” grinned Cam.

“Oh, shush you, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said.

The waiter handed us our drinks and his hand lingered on mine at the passing. I froze up, and Cam handed him a tip pointedly. Lee and Cam frowned at me and they started to lecture me about how, even though I didn’t want to date someone, I couldn’t just be a heartbreaker like that. I rolled my eyes with Lee who was laughing, looking at Cam with something close to love. And as he looked back at her, I saw the exact same expression in his eyes.

The Fourth RoommateOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara