Chapter 1 - The Boy

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Isabelle P.O.V.

          Waking up to my screaming alarm clock, I automatically start to find the snooze button. When I hear my alarm clock hit my wooden floor, giving up I turn my lamp on. "Belle, I got to go to work early you're going to have to take the bus," My mom says while peeking her head through my bedroom door.

         I just nod and look over to my nightstand. Grab the clock off the floor and attempt to get out of bed. I recall what my mom said moments ago and call Amity, my best friend, to come pick me up.

          "Hey, what's up?" She greets.

          "Just need a ride, could you come get me," I yawn as I rub my eyes.

           "Sure thing, but I have to get ready," She replies.

"Okay, same. Love you, see you in little."


Before I go to the bathroom I poke my head in my brother's room to see if he's awake. I see him nearly hanging off the edge of the bed and push him until he begins to mumble. "Mom has work; get your lazy ass up you're taking the bus," I yell as I make my way to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and wash my face. "Why do I have to take the bus?" He questions.

"She had to leave early. I don't know, but you only have 15 minutes," I answer.

        I rummage through the pile of clothes I decided not to put away the night before. By the time I was done I only managed to find a pair of my ripped jeans and a flannel.

        When I finished getting dressed, I hear honking coming from outside. I pull the blinds apart to see if it was Amity. Confirming my assumption, I see her texting in the brand new Lexus she had gotten for her birthday. Rushing I snatch my phone, backpack, and old white converses before running out the door.

        "Hey, girlie."

         "Uh, I need some coffee, mind going?" I look in her direction and add, "On me."

"Yeah if I ain't got to pay." She lets out a small chuckle.

We get our coffee and finish the drive to school. We begin to walk to class, but she comes across, Ethan, her boyfriend of 2 years. He was a popular kid. He knew everybody and everyone knew him. He among his other friends were very athletic, but unlike them, he was sober and determined to graduate.

"I will see you in class." Amity nods as she turns to kiss Ethan.

On my way to the first period, I stare down at my phone scrolling through Instagram when a muscular arm bumps into me spilling my coffee all over me. "What the fuck." I stare down at the huge coffee stain on my white undershirt. I look back to see the blond haired boy walk away.

I sigh as I attempt to clean what I was soaked in. What an ass, who just rudely bumps into someone and doesn't say sorry.


"Hey, Belle did you hear about that party tonight." Amity whispers.

I shake my head turning back to the teacher.

"Well, one of Ethan's friends has this huge house on the lake. And apparently, his parents are gone for the weekend. You think you want to go with me and Ethan?" She nudges me.

"Yeah, I think being a third wheel at a party full of people I don't know. Sounds fun." I answer sarcastically.

"Oh my gosh you won't be alone and it's people from school it's not like complete strangers. Please just come."

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