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Summer's POV

I woke up early to greet Kate and wish her happy birthday. Yeah, it's her birthday today and I would never miss the  chance to wish her by 12 like I've  done these past years. I picked up my phone and dialed her number, yes I know we made sure we memorised our number wen we got our phones... Kate always said in case of emergencies which hasn't come up these past years (she could be weird you know)

"Hey Kate happy womb escape baby"

Yeah I always knew you won't disappoint  me,so what are you doing now cos I know you are definitely up to something"

"Yeah babe,Derrick just broke up with me an..." she popped in

"What..are you okay,
What happened again"

"He asked again Kate and I told him am not ready" I know Kate would be rolling her eyes right there she does it anytime I bring this topic up

"Summer I think u guys should cos your are beautiful babe and Derrick to be able to wait till now he really cares and" I shut her up

"Kate if he loves me he would wait till am comfortable and anytime he plans to get dirty I don't usually feel like myself and before I know it I tell him to stop..u know all these don't make me repeat myself"

"I know and am happy you are free but can't wait for you to join the dating zone again"

"So where are we going to celebrate your special day"

"We going clubbing celebrate my day and your freedom"

I literarily jumped on my bed, I love going to the club and she knows this before. I knew it she spoke again

"But summer, I still can't believe you are a virgin,when are you going to let your v card go"  I hung up on her I wasn't ready for Her early lectures on the big V

"KILL HIM" Storm snapped to the guard immediately ,the guard pulled the man up and went out to behead him. No one dared to look Storm in the eye everyone always bowed their head while talking to him except of course his mum but she is never around to calm her furious son. Storm is the most feared alpha in the world even feared by other Alphas and all these he achieved through violence.

Storm's POV

I was sitting on my throne when Scott my beta walked in bowing his head..yes we are friends but I wouldn't allow anyone take me for granted NO ONE

" raise your head" I said to him not glancing at him for a second

"Alpha storm I was told you asked a guard to kill our new member who didn't bow to you,the man obviously didn't know how we accord our Alpha..if we keep doing this the most populated pack will become the
Least pac-"

Scott got on his knees "I'm sorry Alpha didn't mean to disrespect your orders"

" rise" he said calmly

"Alpha why don't we go to the human world and have fun, sky (Scott's mate)loves it and we are going this night she wants you to join know she doesn't like to see her brother stressed"

that caught Storm's attention and he stopped staring at the floor and looked up with a smile on his face. He likes sky cos she is his sister and doesn't want to see her sad

"I'll go"
That's all he said as he stormed out


In the club Summer had to raise her voice higher than the music for Kate to hear

"Why is Derrick staring at me" pointing to him who gives her a small smile

"He likes you baby he's probably not over you yet, go dance with him cos me I'm off, bye "

I wasn't in the mood to dance, something doesn't feel right this night I always loved to dance in the club I went to the bar and got a drink for myself just moving to the music Derrick walked up to me and asked for a dance I shook my head but he persisted and I kept on moving away

Storm's POV

Humans are so noisy, how will they come out here and be making out,in our world we call that marking. Slutty girls walked up to me where I was sitting and I shoved them away not like they give up any ways I could mess with one of them and take her home to be my toy.
I kept on watching sky dance with her mate since she found out Scott was her mate it was like she was happier and I really envy that. All I want is for her to be happy she met my eyes and I smiled at her and suddenly my mood changed like I needed to protect someone I smelt the most heavenly smell I glanced the room to see where it was coming from when I saw a man all over her NO ONE TOUCHES WHAT IS MINE I inwardly growled I could feel my wolf Jasper jump for joy

We finally meet our precious mate

"Shut it" I snapped back

Summer's POV

I was still  telling Derrick I wasn't in the mood I mean how could boys be such a dick.

When I felt a hand throw Derrick away I mean he threw him my brain was still processing this when a hand shook me by the shoulder

"Are you OK
Are you hurt
Did he try anything with you"

I mean i couldn't even see his eyes cos of the dull light in the club he immediately left me and went

"Summer are you ok?" Kate came up to me
I was still stunned I just shook my head

Scott's POV

Did that just happen?
Did Storm just stand up for a girl? He would never do that not for just anybody who isn't his sister..except she's his....wait Storm has been looking for a mate could this be her I glanced to her side and saw that she looked so young would Storm ever accept the fact that he has a human mate

"Scott we need to take the girl with us..she could change Storm I mean he stood up for her the moon goddess is trying to tell us something" I nodded to Sky and we made our way to the girl
"Hey can I speak to you outside"
"Of course " summer said and they went out
Immediately I felt a hand over my head and all I see is darkness and I felt being rushed into a car

What is going on

"Why did you bring that girl here"
"Storm" sky spoke calmly and walked up to him, she rested her hand on his shoulder

"She isn't just any girl and you know it she is your ma..."

"STOP" he snapped he looked down at sky who  was looking scared and his face softened "I'm sorry sky, I didn't mean to shout at you OK?"

I heard the door open and looked above Sky's head I saw Scott,Geneva the pack witch and the girl I didn't even know her name walk up into the throne room..Geneva spoke first while bowing her head

"Alpha I greet you" she raises her head
"Can I speak to the alpha privately" looking at the others

"Storm,your mother and I are friends so I would never mislead you,you are like a son to me, you can't deny the connection son she's your strength and also your weakness its been hard for you to find your mate cos the moon goddess was preparing the best if you let her go now that you've found her you would lose your kingdom and your  power you need to keep her close to you and never let her go"
She walks up to me and looked straight in my eye

"Its been destined son and no one changes destiny"

I'm super happy to write my first werewolf book hope u liked it  it's not perfect and I would love to see your corrections in my mistakes thanks for taking your time to read this I would update the first chapter wouldn't want to miss it for the world

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Love you all...muah :)

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