Robert: To Have And To Hold

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Isobel had finally arrived in Mumbai with Lancelot by her side. Her final meeting with the President to keep India out of this war was in a few hours. All they had to do was get in the Limo.

"Babe you've got this." He held his Shaking wife.
"I know,I just wanted you to hold me." She went in for a long kiss.
"Alright Let's go." Isobel tried to move towards the limo but Lancelot held her hand and stayed rooted in the ground.
"Not without this." Lancelot gave her a bulletproof vest.
"Isn't that a little much." She stared at the heavy looking thing.
"No one ever died being to careful." He dragged her towards the limo.

"I can walk you know." She pouted whilst she put it on.
"When we stop holding hands we get divorced,remember." Lancelot grinned.
"Oh shut up." She tried not to smile,she didn't exactly like being reminded of that rule.

As the limo took off Lancelot removed his Browning from it's shoulder holster. And had the old thing at his side.
Isobel cut her eye at him.
"Rob." She whispered with vocal attack. Lancelot turned the safety on and but the Browning back in the holster.

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