Chapter 22

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I wake up to a piercing scream echoing in the air.

I shout bolt up right from my sleep causing Blaze to wake up as well. Both of us look at each other hoping that what we just heard was a figure of our imagination.

The piercing scream echoes around us once more. Without a second thought both Blaze and I rush for the source of the scream. Ricks bedroom.

As we burst into the room rich is writhing around in the bed groaning in pain. Sweat trickles down his forehead as he tries to fight if what he is feeling.

"Baby boy!" I gasp running over towards him.

I gently place my hand on his forehead feeling his temperature double what it was earlier. His smaller body trembles as it attempts to deal with what he is going through.

"What's wrong with him?" Blaze is equally concerned as he crouches down by my side.

"He's transitioning"

"But he's so young!" The concern in Blazes voice has multiplied tenfold.

"It's normal for us, I transitioned when I was around his age" I stroke the soaked piece of hair away from Ricks eyes as he continues to roll around. I watch as the bones and muscles beneath his skin twitch and change.

"Ash, you said you went into the fighting pits as soon as you transitioned, were you this young?"

"Yes" I nod "but that's not important now we need to get him outside"

In the next instance Blaze has lifted Ricks struggling form and is already making his way outside.

Alpha I need you outside, Rick is transitioning.

Once I'm outside I rush over to where rick is lying on the cold grass. The evening air bites into my skin as it seems to sink into my very core.

A small layer of mist is rising from Ricks body, his temperature greatly outnumbering the temperature of the air.

Lucian joins me to my right side whilst Blaze is crouched to my left all watching my brothers struggle.

"I'm going to warn both of you this won't be pleasant but I need to do it for Ricks sake"

I allow my claws to grow and slowly make a cut into the meat of my hand. As the blood slowly pools I place it at Ricks mouth and force him to swallow.

"What the hell are you doing Astra!!" Lucians startled question breaks through the air.

"You know I mentioned Mortem getting involved in some weird shit, well this is a consequence of it, without the blood of a stronger wolf this could go on for days"

The growl filling the dead air silences any other possible questions. We all look at Rick just in time to see his bones morph and hair sprout from his skin. His eyes go wide as a howl bubbles from his throat. His once brown orbs now a startling grey as his wolf emerges.

Standing in front of me now is a small jet black wolf with startling grey eyes.

"Well I'll leave you two too it then" Lucian mumbles before leaving us.

I look at Blaze with a slight smirk before transforming into my own red wolf. I have quite a large wolf anyway but compared to Ricks small wolf, only due to his age I may add, I look huge.

Next to me Blaze has shifted into his huge dappled black and grey wolf.

You ready for your first run little man?

Blaze mind links the two of us.

I think so...

Great follow me.

Blaze gives us both a wolffish grin before jogging off towards the forest. I know he can go a lot faster but we both stay slow so rick can keep up.

We run together for a good hour. Blaze in front, Rick doing his own thing behind him and  then me behind making sure he doesn't get lost as he adjusts to his new wolf form.

Once we make our way back to the pack house rick shifts back to his human form. I'm surprised he lasted that long but by the look of his exhausted face as he slides on some clothes he has only just made it.

Slowly blaze carries rick back up to his room tucking him away in bed to have a proper rest after tonight's excitement.

As we both sneak out of the room I let out a small laugh at the whole situation. Of course of all the time rick could transitions he transitions when we are in the brink of war. The moon Goddess has a sick sense of humour, I can promise you that.

Blaze slips his arms around my waist, leaning back into the comfort of his chest I let out a small sigh.

"Ash are you feeling ok?" Blazes voice is once again full of concern.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"It's nothing, just your wolf smelt off that's all"

"I think it's the stress of everything going on, it may have effected me"

"I never thought of that, you are probably right" he sighs.

"I know, I'm always right" I smile "now I think it's time for us to go to bed. I've had enough excitement for one day"

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