Step 37: Truth Comes Out

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"I could never like him." I repeated for what felt like the billionth time.

If we weren't talking about Kevin Brooks in speech, it felt like it wasn't a day.

"Did he like, bully you or something?" Sofie looked up from painting and eye'd me.

"Uh..." I hesitated.

"Yeah." Jon nodded, almost whispering.

I looked down.

"He did?" Sofie repeated in shock.

"He was like really, really mean to her." Jon nodded.

"How did you know?" I looked at him.

"Jon knows everything." Tate butted in.

"True." Jon agreed.

"Selena I am so sorry." Sofie turned to me.

"It's fine." I shrugged.

"No dude I'm really sorry. I didn't know he treated you like that. No wonder you can't ever like him."  I nodded.

"Do you accept my appology?" She asked.

"Mine too?" Tate butted in.

"Course."  I smiled.

"We won't talk about him anymore! Promise." And I believed her, because Sofie was real like that.

But talking about this made me realize, maybe I needed to accept this too. Kevin and I could never happen. We have too much of a negative past that will haunt me forever.

Maybe I needed to prove not only to Sofie, but myself that I deserved better than Kevin Brooks...

"So change of subject." I clapped my hands together.

"Hey Jon since you know everything, do you know if Ivy and Dylan are still talking?" Tate asked.

I burst out laughing.

That girl would not get over her ex!

"No they stopped." Sofie clairified.

"What?" I scrunched my eyebrows up. Yes we were gossiping. We were in high school. It's what high school lives on.

Lives on gossip like I live on granola bars. Stupid sugar issues.

"Why'd they stop talking?"

"Because she's crazy!" Sofie gasped.

It was true. Remember when Ivy told me all about how she stalks Dylan?

"Yeah she is. She like stalked him. She showed me how to tell if he was on snapchat or not." I cringed.

Tate laughed.

"She gets all crazy when you mention Ally too." "I told her that Dylan was talking to Ally but he didn't believe me!" Tate sighed, setting down her white paint covered brush.

"Can't help the girl if she's crazy."

"She was always talking to him." Sofie added. "Snapchat." I nodded.

"Well you were his best friend on snapchat so-" Tate pointed out, sounding very jealous.

"I wasn't talking to him. Sorry but my standards are a bit higher than that." I retorted.

"Ouch." Sofie laughed at her best friend's own burn.

"It was easy to be Dylan's best friend on snapchat. He literally recieves five times more snaps than he gives."Jon said.

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