Chapter 20

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*Trigger warning: Theo responds to a graphic car accident, with fatalities, about ⅔ of the way through this chapter.

Soundtrack for this chapter:
November Rain—Guns N' Roses
All My Life—Foo Fighters
Cherry Wine—Hozier



No one ever made me feel as confused as Jules. One moment she was telling me she might not be around for long, then the next we're planning a trip to Vermont. One moment we're seconds away from heartbreak, and the next we're making love to each other like we couldn't possibly live without the other.

She takes my breath away. Literally.

I had to resign myself to the fact that I just couldn't plan things out with Jules too far into the future. I needed to slow down and take everything day by day with her, but if that meant keeping her in my life, I was more than willing to do it. Something in me knew that we were meant to be together, and I wasn't going to give her up so easily.


Jules wanting to go skiing in Vermont threw me off as she specifically told me she didn't do things that would endanger her health. Before we booked a hotel, or maybe even one of those new deals where you stay in someone's apartment, I had to see if Jules was really willing to take a risk. We were about halfway into December, and without giving her any hint as to where I was going to take her, I picked her up from Parnassus for our Friday night date.

She hopped into my car, dressed in full Boston winter attire—boots, jeans, sweater, warm puffy jacket, scarf, gloves, and even a hat—I'd told her to dress warmly, and she took that directive to heart.

"Am I going to be okay with all this? I have leggings on under my jeans as well." The tip of her nose was already turning a little pink from the cold.

"Think you'll be alright." I leaned across the seat and set my lips on hers, transferring just a bit of warmth to them. "What's it like in Savannah right now?"

"Probably in the low sixties. You should've seen me last year. The first time it really snowed, I was totally unprepared."

I couldn't help but give her a little laugh out of pity. Boston winters aren't for the faint of heart.

"Understandable. I was able to send nearly all of my winter gear back home when I was stationed in South Carolina. Didn't even see one snowflake the first year I was there."

I reached across the center console and set my gloved hand in hers. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched a smile bloom on her face.

"So, where are we headed?"

"That, my dear Jules, is a surprise."

"I don't really do surprises. I figured you'd tell me when we were on our way."

"Nope. But you'll like it. I think."

Her eyes grew wide for a second, which stretched my own smile across my face. As I drove us closer and closer to our destination, I felt a little guilty knowing I was about to lie to her, but it was necessary.

There was a massive pond just outside Boston that my brothers and I used to go to as kids to play ice hockey on; it was all formed from runoff, so there was zero chance of falling through the ice into freezing water, but I didn't plan on telling Jules that. I drove out earlier in the week to see if it had frozen over yet, and when I saw a few other kids skating around on it, I knew it was time to bring her.

The moment I pulled off the road onto the dirt path, I felt the weary look Jules was sending my way.

"Relax. You'll like it. I think."

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