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Hi, quick note: wattpad deleted the previous chapter for violations of terms (I guess I was just too graphic?) I'm going to see if I can publish a new chapter just before this one so the pieces add together again.

"You can't have her!" You heard a deep and metallic voice shout, you blinked back the sunlight in your eyes and yawned audibly. "I don't see why not?" an even deeper voice questioned the first, his voice was calming and slightly posh. You could faintly hear the two people arguing in the distance, but you were more interested in the room you had just woken up in. It was clean and bright, unlike the horribly dim cellar you were originally in which gave you too many dungeon-esque type vibes.

"She's mine Damien, mine" the first voice, which you recognised as Anti's, screeched in fustration. "She's not yours, she's ours, remember?" the other man cooed at Anti, you were hesitant at first but you began to move closer to the door so you could hear them clearer. Anti mumbled something under his breath, you couldn't hear it but the other man obviously did by his response: "You do remember our deal don't you? You're not going to go back on it now, are you?", he sounded like he was trying to manipulate Anti and that scared you. If someone could get to Anti, what could he do to you?

"You're frightening her" you heard Anti say in a calm whisper, you held your breath for a second, wondering if Anti was going to be mad that you were listening in. "Oh yes, that strange bond you have with the human, have you told her that it's only her mind you're connected with?" the voice said loudly, intentionally trying to make you hear him. "Looks like I don't have to now" Anti shouted, his voice getting slowly closer to you. You quickly jumped onto the bed you were previously on and pretend to be asleep. When you heard the door swing open, you held your breath, hoping that would somehow aid your act of sleeping.

What surprised you was the kindness that lined Anti's voice "I know you're not asleep" he said quietly, you turned over on your side to face him. "I also know you heard that" he continued, hanging his head a little bit. You chose not to say anything even though you had a thousand questions running through your brain.

There was a silence between you, Anti's eyes searched yours for something, you weren't quite sure what. For some reason Anti looked very vulnerable, he looked scared, he looked... human. You were thinking of ways to ask him what that conversation was about? Who was that man? What was the deal he made? Why was your mind the only one he could read? And if that's true, how come he could read Mark's? And where is Mark? Any of those questions would have been a good start, but you were too frightened of the entity in front of you to open your mouth.

"I'm sorry, by the way" he mumbled after some time, you silently wondered what he meant by that, "You know what I mean" he said. Previously you had only been looking at his chest and his chin out of fear of meeting his eye, but Anti put his hand under your chin and forced you to look into his blue irises. Suddenly images of the night before flashed through your mind, you saw yourself splayed beneath Anti completely helpless. You shook your head out of his grasp with obvious fear in your eyes, "Good, you do remember" he said, seemingly sad about how strong your memory was. He raised his hand towards your face to cup your cheek but you slapped his hand away from you, not wanting him to touch you ever again. Then something happened that you thought would never happen, he let you hurt him, he did nothing to punish you for slapping his hand away.

"I deserved that" he whispered, "I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry" he said to you, looking as though he was genuinely apologizing, "I wouldn't have done it if I saw another way" he continued. You both fell silent again, you felt a tear trickle down your cheek and you wiped it away quietly. "Please don't cry" Anti pleaded and extended his hand to you "You must be hungry" he stated and you put your hand in his "Let's get you fed".

Play Time (Anti x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now