Chapter 40: Truths Revealed

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Brett stood at the bus stop still fuming from the altercation with Bailey. He was going home, he didn't care throwing Emma to the side, he chose to focus on himself pulling out his phone. He clicked on Tori's name and sent her a message letting her know that he was going home. A minute passed until Tori eventually called him.


"What's going on?"

"Just a bunch of bullshit and a broken heart. I'm going to take the day off."

"Alright son. I'm sorry that happened."

"Yea me too."

Tori could hear the anger in Brett's voice as she felt bad for her son, only to have him hang up on her. She knew it wasn't any of her business, but she didn't even have an idea of the relationships, and now his heart was broken. Their just wasn't anything she could do. On the other hand Brett had ended the phone call and in doing so saw a message from Emma, asking if he was okay.

His heart told him to respond to the message but something forced him to ignore it and put the phone in his pocket. That's when his fingers brushed up against something he had forgotten about the modified mechanical pencil. It was just sitting there waiting to be used. A lot of thoughts rushed through his mind as his fingers wrapped around it and pulled it out. He clicked it once ejecting the needle out of it, the shine of the needle intrigued him as if it was calling for him.

The depression was trying to get full control now as it tried to force Brett to do something stupid. But he fought it and threw it into the street where the bus just so happened to be pulling up crushing it underneath the tire.

He looked at the bus, this was his ticket home. However now with the pencil gone, it was almost as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders, making him realize there was one last thing to do. He walked back to the school and headed to the english wing.

With no interest in going to his own class, he did his best to burn time until the bell would finally ring he needed to see Emma. The time seemed to slow as he wandered the halls avoiding teachers until finally returning to the hallway with only a minute before the bell.

As it rang, Brett leaned up against the lockers waiting for his girlfriend. A crowd of people poured our with no sign of Emma, until the stream of individuals ended and she was the last out. A face of concern on her until she saw Brett waiting for her.

"Hey how'd it-"

He wasn't there to talk, only to make a statement. Before Emma could finish her sentence Brett wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, more passionate then ever before. Brett needed to let Emma now that he loved her unconditionally no matter what and the kiss was the one to let her know. Pulling away from her Emma is at a loss for words.

"Wow, umm what was that about?"

"I'm taking the rest of the day off, but I had to see someone I liked being around before I went."

"Okay, maybe we can hang out later."

"Sure we'll see. I love you."

Looking into his cold eyes, Emma knew he was hurt. She hoped that they could hang out later but at the time everything seemed to bounce off of Brett without even phasing him. He let go of her hands and walked away not looking over his shoulder. Emma stood there watching as he walked back outside through the doors at the end of the hall, when Mrs. Conrad walked out of her classroom.

"Emma, can I talk to you for a second."

"Of course, Mrs. Conrad."

She turned around and followed the teacher into the classroom. Inside the room Mrs. Conrad sat on the edge of her big desk and looked at Emma who took a seat on a desk across from her.

"What is it, Mrs. Conrad?"

"It's about you and Brett."

Emma was shocked not realizing anyone had been observing their exchange out in the hallway. She felt a little embarrassed as she wondered how much Mrs. Conrad had seen.

"What about us?"

"Well as you may know Bailey has also taken a liking to him as well and he seems to be the only one she really has around the school, and I admit I am at fault for maybe putting a little pressure on him to hang out with her. However with this new development between you too, maybe it's in your best interest to get to know her."

"Yea maybe, you're right."

Nodding her head in compliance she looked at her feet, knowing that Mrs. Conrad was right, She had to be the bigger person, and not act like Bailey. Besides she had seen all the times that Brett had made Bailey smile and she couldn't just take that away from them. With her heart set on a new mission she stood up and walked to the door of the classroom.

"Oh Emma, by the way. This might sound out of place, but you and Brett look very comfortable together."

"Thanks Mrs. Conrad."

Emma turned around after acknowledging Mrs. Conrad's compliment and left the classroom, leaving the teacher with a smile on her face. Emma rushed down the hallway to the basement staircase, praying that Bailey would still be down there.

Opening the door to the hallway, Emma silently entered walking through the silence, her footsteps the only noise that echoed down he corridor. She didn't even notice Bailey. Emma walked right past her still scanning the hallway for any sign of her. While Bailey was now at her back as Emma called out.

"Bailey are you down here?"

The sentence was enough to trigger Bailey, she began sobbing again as Emma turned around to see the girl in the yellow hoodie against the wall. There was no way she could of seen her there. Slowly she approached the damaged girl, and as she gets closer she saw how much of a vulnerable state Bailey was actually in.

"Bailey...," Emma put her bag down and walked over to the girl. Her sole intent to befriend her for both Bailey and Brett's sake. "Are you okay?"

The sobbing abruptly stopped as if it was never happening, and Bailey lifted her head just enough so that Emma could see her eyes.

"Don't you have to be with your boyfriend or something."

"No, actually. He just went home because he was to upset about what happened between you two, he cares about you Bailey."

Bailey was snarling at Emma, unable to believe a word that came out of her mouth, she had stolen Brett from her and she could never forgive that, no matter how much Emma pleaded with her.

"Stop lying to me, it seemed pretty clear how he felt."

"Bailey just stop for a second and think."

Emma took a seat on her knees a small distance away from Bailey, however Emma had a frustrated tone which was just enough to set Bailey off as the girl began to shake from her anger. She couldn't control herself there was no witnesses. She slid a little closer to Emma so she was in arms length and shoved her away. The hood fell from her head as she maintained the glare she had on her rival.

"No Emma, you just stop for a second. Do you realize how much Brett meant to me. How much I relied on him. I was in love with him, he's the only thing that stopped me from killing myself," She pulled up the sleeves on the hoodie, her arms had scars going from her wrist to her elbow. Some overlapped still covered in blood. Emma could only stare while Bailey rose to her feet, walking menacingly toward her trying to intimidate her. "And then seeing him with YOU. You don't deserve him. First you take Trent from me and now this."

"I didn't take Trent, I saved you from him he was using you."

"Bullshit, it doesn't matter now. What matters is you."

Emma continued to slide across the floor until her back hits the wall on the other side of the hallway from where she started. Bailey wasn't stopping though as she got closer until she was standing over Emma.

"Bailey you're scaring me."

"Good you should be."

Emma closed her eyes as Bailey raised a fist in the air, ready to strike the girl and end it once and for all.

Blind Beauty (Currently Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang