Chapter 4

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My first thought when I woke up today was, I was happy.

It hadn't happened in the past few years but it did today. I was really in high spirits and a good mood. The sun was just rising, and the digital watch told me I was waking up too early but I didn't care. After a quick shower and getting dressed, I even made sure that my room was clean enough up to Kelly's standards though she was vile and hateful towards me, it didn't matter.

At least I had someone to butt heads with. I could say that she was my life support in a kind or I would have been bored to death. However, I was sure that I would not need her from today onwards. If I had Nathaniel where I wanted I could surely put Kelly in her place but the question was did I want to? Everything was going well just as I wanted. I had even decided to treat myself to waffles, ice cream, and strawberries for breakfast. I was busy going down to the kitchen to cook breakfast when everything stopped for me.

I could feel my happiness vanish and numbness taking over me all because he was here.

I saw him before he saw me but what good it would have been. He was rarely here, and it just didn't matter to me but it did today because I was happy.

He wasn't my knight shining armor nor the man I had mistaken him to be. There wasn't any unrequited love anymore. He had ripped my heart in parts when I had tried to love him once. The saddest part was he didn't even know and cared that he had hurt me and that is why I had stopped trying to love him, try to exist beside him, or even be a part of his life. I had stopped looking for him, caring for him, and even having his shadow near me.

However, he had separated himself from me before I stopped caring for him. I wasn't ever there in his heart, not even for a single second in his mind, never shown sympathy by him. He was never there in my life, never a part of it but I had tried to make him of mine only to have myself burned by his flames of hatred for me and that too harshly. Since then I have kept my distance but sometimes I forget what a devil existed behind a god's face. His fingers were busy making himself a coffee from the machine while his eyes were glued to some papers in his hands.

I should have walked away from there but I didn't. He had the godly looks like his brother. He had that Adonis look to him just like Aaron with that olive-toned skin. His dark hair a contrast to Aaron's light brown ones didn't have a tousled griminess that promised finesse like Aaron's did. And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green contrast to Aaron's eyes which were green of fresh dew glinting in the sunlight off a leaf of green emerald. He was handsome and slim but I had seen better. He could just smile at anyone and have them eating out of his hands. It's a shame I never got one from him.

It was Kelly brushing past me that had me drop out of my fazed zone of comparing the two.

"Good morning Mr. Reid. Forgive me for the delay. What would you like to have in the breakfast?" Kelly asked him so calmly that I could feel myself laughing on the inside.

"Just the usual Kelly," His reply was quick. All his answers were like that. He was said to be a private person, but I didn't believe a dime of those words. Rather than going back, I decided to go forward.

I wasn't having my good ruined just because he was here. He wasn't always here, but I was, and whenever he decided to grace the house it was somewhere in the middle of the night. If I had not known what he did, I would have assumed him to be nocturnal. He had dirty laundry that nothing could wash away. The worst part was he didn't wash it but hung it for the world to see. He had brought misery into my life besides her.

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