25-Kidnapped... Again

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Artemis's POV

I was far from the border line of the pack. All I could see was trees,  mountains, and rocks.

'Hi!' I loud voice pops up in my head.

'What the fu-' I was cut off.

'No need to swear.'

'What and who are you.'

'I'm your wolf, Elise.' She smiled.

'Oh, hi.' I greeted awkwardly.

'Anyway,  why are you out in the middle of the woods?' She asked.

'Look through my memories and you'll understand.' I blocked her out.

I soon came across a clearing where a certain boy was waiting with a smirk on his face.

"You made the right decision, Artemis." He kept his smirk in place.

"Before we negotiate, answer my question. How are you alive?" I asked clearly ticked off.

He pretended to be in deep thought. "Well you've waited long enough. I supposed you waited long enough."

I waited for him to continue.

"After your attempt to slice my throat with silver my wolf was pissed. It took all of him to heal me. It took a huge toll on my wolf. It killed him but somehow I was still able to shift. That how I'm here healthy and alive."

I stood here emotionless. I had no idea how to respond.

'I barley know him and I can tell I hate him.' Elise scowled.

Logan started to speak again. "I brought you here, so I can take you back with me.'

"That's funny. You still think you can take me." I scowled.

"Yeah, but what you don know is that this is an ambush." He smirked with amusement.

On cue a bunch of werewolves jumped down from the trees.

Oh no. I've been so worried I let my guard down and I didn't know they were there!

"What you don't know, Logan is that I've been through bigger ambushes that this."

I pulled out my dagger and stood ready for a fight.

They all came lunging at me at once. I was able to stab he ones in front of me but he ones behind me grabbed me and held me down.

Logan came up to me and held a rag to my mouth.

I accidentally breathed in and everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes. I took a quick look at my surroundings. I was in the back of a car.

I didn't have any of my weapons.

I saw a sign. 'Johnson Warehouse' it had spray paint over some of the letters saying 'abandoned.'

I was suddenly pulled out of the car by force. I blindfold was put around my eyes as someone led in somewhere.

The blindfold was soon remove and I was thrown into a cell and someone chained my wrist to the wall.

I saw the guy as Logan.

"Don't even bother mind linking your mate. I asked a witch to put a spell around the warehouse that prevents any humans contacting their werewolf mates." He smirked.

"At oddly specific." I pointed out. "How many other humans with werewolf mates have you trapped here?"

His smirk fell. "Still the usual smartass."

The Alpha's Huntress (Book1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن