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– M A K A Y L A –

We arrived in the dead of night.

The city may as well be dead for the quiet that this place held. There was no bustle, no buzz of fusion crafts. It seems so basic and simple compared to the chaos of the inner Sectors. But it unsettled me more than calmed me.

Hades stepped out of the strange vehicle we were in that drove on the ground. He offered me a hand and I ignored it.

"Don't let the blonde hair fool you. I can get myself out of my own seat and everything." I muttered dryly.

He snorted and turned on his heel.

"I can see why she likes you." He stated ahead of me.

I watched his back in surprise as he moved beneath his black hood. Then my eyes flicked around the shadows distrustingly. Yes, definitely creepy. What the hell was I doing here anyway... Answers are worth nothing if you're dead.

I caught up to him swiftly deciding that he was the better choice than the darkness around us. He didn't speak. It seemed like he only opened his mouth when he had a purpose rather than to fill the space with noise.

After walking a few more metres down the narrow and tattered streets we arrived upon an even more haphazardly constructed building. It can't of been more that two floors high. It genuinely looked as if someone had gone through a scrapheap to put the roof together.

"Homely." I said.

"I think so." He said quietly with a smile. Was that pride in his voice? Oh, god he probably did put the thing together and here I was...

"I like the--err... lights." I said lamely.

He turned his tattooed face to mine. His violet eyes flashed in amusement. "It's a shit hole." He deadpanned.

I flinched, not expecting the forwardness.

"Rule of thumb around here, Makayla." He began as he eyed me more seriously. "Speak the truth. It saves everyone time."

I almost missed a step under his scrutiny. "I'll remember that."

He nodded and then swept the door back. Strange music hit us in the face. A mixture of metal drums and strings being plucked in a contagious beat. People drank and chatted completely care free. They didn't freeze on the spot or whisper in fear when Hades entered, but raised a few glasses and called out in greeting. These were his people then. Fear didn't dictate them, but respect or camaraderie.

Maybe Alex could learn something from him...

I mentally slapped myself at the thought. Run the Underworld like this? Ha. What a world that would be. You can't lead the wolves if you act like a sheep. Alex wouldn't last the night in those Sectors if she jollied into a bar all smiles and waves.

A pang of guilt hit me squarely in the chest when I thought of her. What did she think of me now? Our fight before seemed so pathetic and shortsighted now. I didn't deserve her worry or focus. In fact the longer I stood in this foreign place with these strange people, the more I wanted to run right back there.

She felt like home.

A hand shook my shoulder, shaking me out of my thoughts. I blinked at him.

His violet eyes found mine. "And she's back in the room." He taunted.

"I have to go." I said suddenly. I didn't feel right here and this all was too much. My decision was made at the wrong time.

His eyebrows drew together sharply. But he caught my arm before I could turn all the way towards the door. My eyes dropped to his hand in a glare.

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