Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I woke up the next morning in pain. My ribs were aching and my jaw felt swollen.

Groaning out loud whilst still in bed, I thought how much of a mess I was going to look. I didn’t clean any of the blood off, I didn’t bandage my head and I didn’t take any painkillers.

Turning my head to the right to check the time, I saw my alarm clock flash telling me it was ten in the morning. Then I found myself frowning, not because of the time but because there was a glass of water and some painkillers next to it.

I’m pretty sure I didn’t put that there. Too tired to think into it, I swallowed back some to ease the soreness away. 

I got out of bed and walked straight into the bathroom to get the blood cleaned off. Once I stared into the mirror, which was placed on top of the basin, I looked down at the sink but then I quickly looked back up when I caught sight of myself properly.

What the hell?

My face was all cleaned up. No blood whatsoever. There was a bandage wrapped around my head where the bump on my head was. The cuts on my cheeks were healing as if someone had put disinfectant on it. Looking down at my hands, I saw that the blood on my knuckles was cleaned up too but there wasn’t any swelling since my fists were used to this. 

Walking back out of the bathroom after freshening up from a shower, I was still confused as to how I managed to look like I had been treated at a hospital. My mind wasn’t working properly.

I made my way towards my wardrobe but came to a stop when I saw something stuck on my full-length mirror. Heading towards it, I saw that it was some sort of note. Taking it off the mirror my frown disappeared as I read...

Stop frowning Rosie, its all good. I cleaned you up last night and I wrapped the bandage on your head but you really are difficult. You wouldn’t stop slapping my hands away.

As to how I got inside your house, well I tried to wake you up but to no avail so I checked your pockets for the house key. Hope you don’t mind, I didn’t want to disturb you. Plus it was kind of cute the way you sleep with your mouth open.

So about last night, we have to talk. Meet me at MJ’s for 12; don’t go off parking further down please! I’m sure you won’t be attracted to danger during daylight but it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Reading the letter again, I couldn’t stop the stupid smile that etched its way onto my face. Although that is highly embarrassing that he witnessed my mouth-opening habit, I think the fact that he bothered to go through all that trouble for me, outweighed it all. He didn’t have to do that. He didn’t owe me anything. I bet he was here for quite some time, to find the first aid kit and the painkillers.

He already helped me yesterday and even after I was shutting him down he still did this? He could have just shoved me awake and shout at me to get out because he has places to be. He could have been a proper prick like everyone makes him out to be.

But no, he didn’t do that.


I was seated in my truck with one thing on my mind.

How did Drake get back home when he drove my truck? The only thing I came up with was that he walked it all the way the dark.

Heaving a sigh at how stupid I was, falling asleep like that, I started making my way towards MJ’s coffee house. I had five minutes till it was after midday giving me enough time to get there a little late so it didn’t seem as if I was desperate to see him.

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