Chapter Fourteen

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If you're wondering what happened to the others after the attack, I will tell you.

Rudy survived with multiple injuries. According to Maurice, Scarlett was at his side 24/7, taking care of him. As for Josephine, she was glued to Blake, who much like Roarke, didn't want his female out of his sight. I was the one who ran, I was the one who was supposed to escape, and I was the one suffering the most. 

Maurice placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Here you go, hun. Eat up."

I stared at the food in aversion.

"You will feel much better with a full stomach," she pressed, carefully watching me. "You need your strength."

"I'm not hungry," I told her, honestly. "Where's Roarke?"

"Oh, he's out with the pack warriors," Maurice answered, turning away from me. She folded the damp towel by the sink, then dragged her hands through the soapy water. "They're training and working on strategies."

"To attack the Monclaw Pack," I finished for her, receiving a nervous look. It was weird seeing Maurice on edge around me. I pushed aside the plate of pancakes and clasped my hands together on the counter in front of me. "Why are werewolves so violent? Why does everything have to end in bloodshed?"

She was startled. "And, humans aren't the same way?"

"Some humans are," I admitted, shaking my head. "But, the humans that I knew, that I was friends with, were reasonable and kind. I surrounded myself with good people - and now look at me. Look at what has happened to me."

Her expression softened. "I've been trying so hard to prevent this from happening. I've been trying to protect you. I've been trying to show you that not all of us are terrible."

"I've never thought you were terrible," I told her, quietly. "I've liked you since the day that I met you."

Maurice smiled. "Good, good."

"I just wish that I was never brought here in the first place," I continued, blowing out a breath. "If I didn't resemble Luna, I'd probably be dead right now. I'd be at peace."

She faced me, her eyebrows furrowing together. "Hun, you do resemble her, but Roarke didn't choose you as his female because of the similarities. When he saw you, his first instinct was to protect you. If you must know, those instincts are very rare for werewolves to have towards humans."

"His first instinct was to protect me because I resemble his dead sister," I countered, getting frustrated. "He killed her and feels guilty about it."

"Believe me, it's more than that," Maurice assured, stopping across the counter from me. "Alpha Roarke has been Alpha for many years now. He has been challenged for his position in the past more than you know. He fought for his title - but now, he also has you to fight for. He's trying to keep up his strength and dominance while trying to be gentle with you."

"I know him better than most. He truly cares about you. I've never seen him try so hard - and I've never seen him so afraid to lose someone."

I pondered for a moment. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, hun."

"Julius Monclaw hesitated," I told her, watching her reaction. "He was taken by surprise because of my resemblance to Luna. At first, I thought he wasn't going to hurt me - just the way he was acting, what he was saying. He told me that I would go searching for him, right before he bit me."

Maurice placed a finger against her lips. "That's right, he didn't know what you looked like until that night."

"Yeah, so that's when I truly found out that I resembled Luna," I said, biting my bottom lip. "It's been bothering me ever since."

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