10. Deranged

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Author: Its_Totally_Makayla

Description: A mysterious tunnel stands in Carter's town. Ever since a little girl, she was told to always stay away from the tunnel. Danger lurks inside of it, and that scared Carter. No one was ever able to see the very end of the tunnel; even daylight couldn't shine through it. Now, 19 years old with such curiosity, Carters friends drag her back to her childhood memory, pushing her into peer pressure and forcing her to see what's really in that tunnel. But, little did Carter know, in the tunnel, there lies a deranged and messed up boy waiting for the next one. » Many fictional and creepy sounding creatures. Do not read in the dark and or if you do not favor horror.

Rating: 9.5/10

Favorite Quote: But sometimes, monsters can be the little specs of insanity in our brain. We are all monsters darling, and we are insane.


This frightened me. It frightened me because I read this at night and it's just really fucking terrifying and extremely dark. Literally dark! I guess this is for more hardcore readers who want Harry to be pictured in a totally crazy and scary way that will forever scar your life and make you want to go in the dark and stay there forever in the dark with your crazy sexy Harold. Thinking about it right now, I'm getting goosebumps and I feel the need to go to church and drown myself in holy water. I'm amazed how dark people can get in wattpad, it's talent yet very disturbing.

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