Chapter 8 Just breathe

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Janie had taken me stright to her house and asked Anita to make us brownie sundaes. She had made me change into some fluffy pj's and called the principle to let him know we had left. I knew I would never find a friend like her again.

"Thank you Janie." My voice was horse from sobbing the entire way here.

"She speaks!" She teased. I smiled at her

"What do I do? Drake must think I made everything up, he seen my face in that picture." Thinking about it made me want to throw up, I looked so happy.

"Well the truth wouldn't hurt. He seen your face that day, he knows you didn't just fall." I nodded. I guess the truth was my best option, or maybe it was crawling under a rock. I pulled the covers up over my head and let some more tears fall. "Sadie stop you're gonna dry up, please calm down."

"You don't know him, he's gonna close himself off completely now." I sobbed into the covers. I know him to well, He saw me smiling at Adam, he saw me enjoying it. "Oh god" I whined.

Janie swatted at the blankets "Knock it off" she said pulling off the blankets. "We are not going to sit around and wallow. Something needs to be done about Adam." The thought almost brought a smile to my face. I sat up and looked at her as a mishevious grin spread across her face. It was only noon time so everyone would still be in school. She pushed me to get dressed and then down to her car.

I didn't know what she was up to but she obviously had a plan. She pulled up to the pet store and went in, going stright to the food. What the hell was she doing? I stopped when I seen her talking to the sales associate and watched as she purchased twenty small white mice. Her smile widened as she seen me. This was going to be fun.

We parked down the street from Adams house and crouched to his window. Janie carefully took the screen out and opened it. She slowly climbed in and I watched as she lifted the covers of his bed and dumped a few in, she went to his dresser and put some into the top drawer and the rest into his closet. Most of them were out of sight when she climbed back out of the window. She reached into he purse and pulled out a small black box. I looked at her questionably.

"I stole it from Zack its a mini cam. I have it fed to my laptop so we can watch." I smiled brightly at her as she replaced the screen and hid the camera in the bushes. We ran back to her car and sped back to her house, we didn't want to miss this. We giggled the entire way up to her room, my miserable mood forgotten. She opened the laptop and we both leaned in close to watch the magic unfold.

Adam's door slammed open as he sauntered in, followed by a pretty blonde. My heart sunk and I watched as Janie looked as confused as me. He leaned down and began kissing her passionately. I frowned but soon remembered what was to come, I might as well get them both while I was at it. I saw Adam go over to his top drawer, probably to get some contraception the thought made me feel sick again.

I burst out laughing as he jumped a foot in the air hands flailing, god how I wish we had sound, his voice probably hit a Mariah Carey note. Janie and my laughter boomed as the girl he was with sat on the bed only to feel the creatures under her. The both spun in circles frantically trying to stay away from the mice as they flooded from his bed and drawer, he ran to the closet where I knew he had kept the broom and I watched as he screamed again and they both ran out the door.

Janie and I could have died from laughing so hard as she rewound and replayed the episode over and over again. A loud nock rang through Janie's door and a short Anita appeared. "I'm sorry to interrupt, miss Janie, but there is someone at the door for miss Sadie." We nodded and thanked her, I wiped the tears from under my eyes from laughing so hard. We tumbled down the stairs still cackling as we went. I stopped short when I saw a brooding guy in Janie's main living room. Shit.

Another dumb teen bookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ