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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2017


One Year Later

Do you believe in Fate? Coincidence or Karma? A lot of people do, and sometimes it just can't be helped. From the time you are born, Fate fills into your life. Changing it. Switching everything around. Karma then comes in and makes sure you reap what you sow. Making your life harder than it really needs to be. Causing problems, making debts and hurting others. And you just want to blame yourself, making it your fault. Because partly, it is.

Isabelle sat in the new living room, the whole house just finished getting repairs and the living room had needed it the most. The whole front of the house was blown off last year.

She clenched her hands and let out a breath. It was almost a year ago when this place was being destroyed by Guinnes and his men. It was horrible, the explosions, the bullet riddled floor, all the blood. A lot of people died that night. I almost did.

"Anyone home?" She heard his voice and she froze. This was probably the hundredth time he showed up while she was home. She had a feeling that someone kept telling him whenever she was home.

"Jacks!?" He yelled out. She jumped off the couch as she heard him near the living room. She didn't want to see him, she couldn't, at least not right now. She went through the closet and opened the door inside that led to the hidden stair case. As she took the stairs quickly she couldn't hear him as he walked up the steps of the main stairs.

She opened the closet door upstairs quickly and stepped out, ready to take the last flight of stairs to get to her bedroom.

"Isabelle!" She jumped and her heart nearly galloped out of her mouth. She turned around slowly as Wyatt struggled to get up stairs with his cane. She flinched at the sight of him, the scar on his face, and his limping. I caused that. Guilt practically made her immobile as she clenched the railing.

"I was looking for you," he huffed out. He grimaced and gripped his leg, before letting out a breath and looking at her. She looked scared, her skin pale and her hazel eyes bright with fear.

"Well, you found me," she mumbled. He nodded his head and looked her up and down.

"Yeah, I did," he walked towards her, throwing his cane down in the process. She backed up, her back hitting the wall and she threw her hands up. She was pressed against the wall and he surrounded her, and even with his injuries, he still made her feel small. Weak. Her breath got shaky as she thought back to tha–

He grabbed the back of her neck and brought her face to his as he smashed their lips together. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as her sweaty palms left the wall and gripped his T-shirt, her hands shaking and cramping from the grip. She kissed him back and everything seemed to melt away, the guilt, the self-hate, and the intense sadness. Everything was different. In that moment.

He pulled away but still held the back of her neck. Looking down at her, he knew that this was the moment he has been waiting for. But as the kiss started to fade to the back of her mind, the memory of everything that transpired started to flow forward and he saw the change in her eyes. No!

Isabelle grabbed his fore arm that rested on her shoulder and got him to release her. She slipped out from between him and the wall and stood a few feet away from both. He turned in her direction, he even reached for her, but she started to back pedal towards the stairs.

"Isabelle," she turned around and took off running, taking the stairs two at a time. She couldn't process what happened-

"Isabelle!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, shaking her very core. She let out a sob as she opened her bedroom door, jumped in and locked it.

"Wyatt," she whispered. She collapsed on her bed and cried, the gut wrenching cries making her cramp. She couldn't be with him- he'll only get hurt. He's already hurt because of you.

"I'm so s–sorry!" She screamed. She wasn't going to be his downfall again. He almost got killed the first time, she'd be damned if she let anything else happen to him because of her.

The next day rolled around slowly and Isabelle knew exactly what to do. She found her father sitting in the living room with a few of the Club's members.

"I can't stay here anymore," she told him. "Every day I stay here, I'm reminded of what happened. Or what could've happened, just because of me. I-I need to go, maybe back to California. Momma had-"

"No," her father rose off of the couch, and pushed her into the kitchen away from listening ears. He looked down at her, bright hazel eyes haunted and filled with tears. "You can't go to California, not now, the MC's down there are having some shit of their own and I don't want you getting caught in the cross fire." She looked down at the ground, glancing at her bare feet.

"I need to leave, I can't stand it here. The memories, the nightmares. They're haunting me!" she cried. His eyes swept her face, he felt helpless, he couldn't help his own daughter get rid of the memories that he helped cause. How could he possibly-

"New York," he mused. Her brows drew together, confused at his sudden out burst.

"New York, its a perfect place for you. You'll be safe there, away from all this shit," he replied. She sobered up at the thought. New York was on the other side of the country, it was cold, ruthless and crowded. Perfect.

"New York?" She questioned. New York had never been a thought in her mind. She really wanted to go back to California to see if she could connect with old friends. But New York seemed like the best option.

"Okay. New York it is," she agreed. As she marched up the steps to her bedroom, getting ready to pack. In the back of her mind, she had a lingering feeling she might regret this decision.

And that, ladies and gentlemen was the Epilogue to BIKER BABY! I really hope you all enjoyed this story and if you haven't already, please go vote and comment! I love reading the comments! If you've read this book before, you've probably wondering why I didn't change the epilogue and it's because I still plan on writing Bad, Bad Biker. I unpublished it because it needs severe editing.

Final thought, should I enter Biker Baby into the Watty's?

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