Chapter Fifteen

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The car stopped directly in front of us, its head lights practically blinding me as I tried to see who had gotten out of its drivers side. Who ever it was though was tall, and big, so I automatically assumed that who ever it was, it wasn't the blood sucker that somehow knew Cara.

After hearing Lucas's words, all I've been thinking about was the Alpha that I had grown up with and who she truly was. I had thought I knew her. I told her everything, but clearly it wasn't the same on her end. Did she really know the queen, or was the wolf next to me just making up a story. It was just to hard to imagine; sure Cara was a little rough around the edges but keeping a secret like that...there was no way. If there was any Alpha that deserved any respect it was her; she cared so much for her pack and others. Having any type of relation with a vampire...that's asking to be banished, Alpha or not.

What is going on with you Cara...

Biting my lip to stop the yelp from forming, I almost froze at the blood red eyes on the other side of my window. My hand unconsciously reached out for my unwanted company but came up with nothing. I searched for him out of fear, my heart almost stopping when I noticed his figure outside with another much more feminine. They were both looking in my direction, their lips moving quickly as they shared a conversation that clearly had to do with me.

My door opened. I felt my wolf stir under the surface as the vampire held out his hand.

"Get out of the car Eloise!" My eyes darted back to over to Lucas and his female friend, "I'll drag you out myself if I have to!" Something about his threat felt too real, so after taking a deep breath in hopes of holding back my wolf before she caused a scene, I grabbed ahold of the vampires hand and let him help me out of the car.

The moment I was out he slammed the door shut and dropped my hand. I took that as my sign to join Lucas. He was alone now, an irritated look etched across his dark features.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he opened the back door to the second vehicle.

"Nothing you need to worry about Alpha."

"You've been saying that a lot lately..."

"That's because there is a lot you don't need to worry about."

"What ever." I start sliding into the car but Lucas stops me. He leans in close, the feel of his lips against my ear stopping the breath in my lungs.

"Understand this: the less you know or understand the better. You don't want to be in the position Cara is in, you don't even want to be in the seat next to hers."


"Secrets already Lucas?" A silken voice asked from inside the car making my wolf squirm. A growl surfaced on my lips and the voice let loose a soft chuckle. Lucas gave me a look warning me to tread carefully and then slid into the car. It took two deep breaths before I was able to join him and the blood sucking queen.

At first I kept my eyes on ground, the stories I heard about the queen cut through my courage like butter, but something kept nagging at me. It was like a small bee buzzing in my ear whispering for me too look up. I fought against it as hard as possible, but before I knew what was happening my gaze starting raising from the spot that had been keeping my sanity safe.

The gasp that came from my lips was embarrassingly loud. My cheeks filled with heat as I averted my eyes from the gorgeous woman sitting across from Lucas and I. We've all heard rumors about the dead queens beauty, but what I had just seen was a completely different story. She wasn't just beautiful, she was godly.

Her skin was porcelain, her cheeks filled with a rosey blush. Black silk cascaded down her back to her waist, framing her face in a veil of darkness. What had me stunned the most though, were her eyes. I'd never seen eyes so blue; it was like I was staring into two pools of crystal ice. It made me wonder how so many people could say the things they've said about her.

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